by Dionel Rodriguez | Feb 8, 2022
Servicios Misioneros Proyecto Laudato Si
Fr. Alejandro Marina, M.M.
Missionary Services is the program through which we continue to offer “missionary formation” to the Churches of Latin America and beyond. Led by Fr. Alejandro Marina, M.M., this training is carried out through online workshops, administration of the “Ex-CMMAL” building so that various organizations committed to the mission, have their headquarters to offer their formative proposals which include counseling and spiritual accompaniment, and the Laudato Si Program: Care of creation and formation in an ecological spirituality.
Missionary Services is the program through which we continue to offer “missionary formation” to the Churches of Latin America and beyond.
by Dionel Rodriguez | Oct 9, 2020
La Posadita del Buen Pastor
La Posadita del Buen Pastor (Little Inn of the Good Shepherd) provides shelter, food and medical care for children and women with HIV/AIDS. There are 14 children and 7 women living at the Posadita. This is one of only two AIDS shelters in Peru for women and children.
The Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers work in collaboration with The Sisters of the Good Shepherd which founded La Posadita de Buen Pastor in 1998 by Sr. Victor Mestas, a Good Shepherd Sister.
by Dionel Rodriguez | Aug 10, 2020
Medical and Pastoral Services for Prisoners
Fr. Joe Fedora works to provide medicine to the detained and secretarial services the Chaplain at Peru’s largest prison, San Pedro de Lurigancho, a facility built for 3,300 prisoners that currently holds 10,000, making it the most densely populated prison in the Americas. The aim is to accompany people abandoned by society and, for many, even by family. Established in 1999, the project continues to medical and pastoral care to the forgotten.
Father Joseph Fedora offers counseling, the Sacraments, and medicines to prisoners who are HIV+ and receiving little or no care.
“Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened,* and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28
by Dionel Rodriguez | Jun 11, 2020
In three learning centers, serving 170 children with teachers and volunteers, Fr. Paul Sykora offers tutoring to children in a poor area of Cochabamba, Bolivia where immigration from rural areas is high and families from other cultures must adapt. The children now live in a world that their parents do not understand.
Learning Spanish language skills is the first step in advancing in school and adjusting to their new environment.
Your gift provides an education to the youth in Bolivia.
by Dionel Rodriguez | Jun 10, 2020
Anger, fear, anxiety and depression . . . these are all common symptoms of trauma that Fr. Dennis Moorman helps people to resolve in both individual sessions as well as workshops with groups and official trainings for trauma therapists in Brazil and throughout the world.
Although, Fr. Dennis is stationed in São Paulo, Brazil, his trauma healing ministry has expanded to fifteen countries throughout the world, where he has presented this work in Haiti, South Korea, Japan, USA, Hong Kong, Nepal, China, Tanzania, Bolivia, Chile, Peru, Uruguay, India and Egypt, as well as Brazil. During the pandemic this work has expanded to include working virtually with people in Columbia, Germany, Kenya, Russia, U.K. and Belgium.
Fr. Dennis’ work attends not only to the emotional and physical, but also the spiritual realm of healing, where he witnesses daily the new hope and energy for life that is unleashed when a person is able to overcome being stuck in a traumatic pattern in their life. Those who are healed often learn to help others who are suffering with trauma in order to give back to their communities the gift of healing they have received.
by Dionel Rodriguez | Jun 10, 2020
Parroquia Cristo Resucitado Curico
Bro. John J. Nitsch, M.M.
Existing on limited donations from its poor parishioners, the Parish of Cristo Resucitado needs your assistance to continue its soup kitchen, which provides more than 150 meals a day to the needy. In addition, the parish provides financial aid to seven of its students studying at the university, and runs a youth group for children during winter and summer vacations.
In 2017, the area received about 500 immigrates from Haiti, Venezuela and Columbia. The immigrants from Haiti require extra assistance because of language and climate differences. Your donations will help keep their assistance programs running and help Brother John Nitsch, M.M. support the increased number of immigrants.
Your donations will help keep their assistance programs running.
- Assist university students in finishing their studies in law, social work, health care, and psychology.
- Our soup kitchen now serves lunch to about 150 poor people six days a week.
- Brother John Nitsch has been able to help begin raising bees for honey and to pollinate the fruit trees, increasing the income and standard of living of the people involved.
- Starting a weekend formation program for our pastoral agents, and support other monthly and bimonthly retreats and formation times for the different parish groups.
by Dionel Rodriguez | Jun 10, 2020
Massage Therapy Training for the Blind
Father Kyungsu Son, M.M., is the project advisor in which young blind adults of the House of Bartimaeus, the only school/center that teaches massage therapy affordably to the blind in Southern Lima, learn massage therapy techniques and reflexology and Shiatsu. Your gift will enable Father Son to purchase equipment, supplies and two one-month practicums in three prisons for a total of six campaignes.
The training workshop for the blind in massage therapy that began in 2013 has increasingly grown over the past five years and it is hopeful that by 2020, the project will be assumed by the Diocese of Lurin. Father Son provides pastoral counseling for the blind students and their families.
The students learn from licensed blind professors the application of theoretical and practical concepts of body therapies, the anatomy of human bone structure and muscle systems, and the functional physiology of the organs and joints.
Your gift will enable blind students to learn from licensed blind professors the application of theoretical and practical concepts of body therapies, the anatomy of human bone structure and muscle systems, and the functional physiology of the organs and joints.
by Dionel Rodriguez | Jun 10, 2020
Food Program for Prisoners with HIV
Maryknoll Father Joseph Fedora runs a feeding program in Peru’s San Pedro de Lurigancho prison for 20 ailing prisoners living with HIV/AIDS. When prisoners on anti-retroviral drugs regain their weight, they no longer receive their medicines and become undernourished all over again. Father Joe provides them with nutritious meals and counsels those who ask for spiritual guidance.
Through your generosity and prayers, these men will receive the nourishment they need – both physically and spiritually.
by Dionel Rodriguez | Jun 10, 2020
Ministry to AIDS Patients
Day after day, Fr. Joseph Fedora accompanies patients from diagnosis to death.
He also advocates for AIDS patients, providing them with medical assistance and transportation. Aside from attending the spiritual needs of the community, Father Fedora is involved in ecumenical and advocacy work as well in the context of HIV/AIDS. Become part of his mission of compassion. He is working with a group laypeople called Misioneros en Camio (Missioners on the Road, who are dedicated to accompany pastoral people living with HIV AIDS.
There are 16 people in this group and it is hopeful that this organization will continue this AIDS ministry in the future. Your gift will provide the pastoral and medical support to those most in need.
Become part of Father Fedora’s mission of compassion.
by Dionel Rodriguez | Jun 10, 2020
Fr. Michael J. Briggs, M.M.
Help Father Michael Briggs, M.M., in his formation and evangelization program for the 18,000 students and 1,000 faculty members at the National University of the Altiplano-Puno. His ministry offers intercultural dialogue programs, volunteer and mission opportunities and leadership formation for the development and support of civil society and intercultural dialogue.
Students from Notre Dame participate in a short term summer experience with the Puno Campus Ministry. The program also offers workshops in high schools to help students discern about going to the University. Additional courses such as Public Speaking, Graphic Design, Self Esteem, Weaving, Guitar, Mandalas and Laugh-Therapy are also offered.
With your prayerful support, this vital program continues to assist students in Peru.