by Dionel Rodriguez | Mar 5, 2025
Parish Ministry in the Bolivian Amazon
Fr. Alejandro L. Marino, M.M.
After listening to Archbishop Oscar and discerning with the Pastoral Group, Father Marino is taking responsibility for the Santisima Trinidad Parish in the Bolivian Amazon. He will work as part of a team of three priests and the seminarians in the area and this Apostolic Project will help with the pastoral work in a large geographic area and reforestation efforts.
Your gift can help Maryknoll step up to lead the Santisima Trinidad Parish in the Bolivian Amazon.
“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”
Mark 11:24
by Dionel Rodriguez | Feb 14, 2024
Ministry to the Elderly, the Infirm and Faith Formation
Fr. John’s project is two-fold. Ministry to the elderly and infirm by participation in outreach at Bugando Hospital or other Hospitals in Mwanza. He plans to provide pastoral accompaniment, as well as develop a pastoral outreach to individuals with special needs in the parish. And, most importantly, by giving regular and individualized attention to the elderly and infirm of the parish.
The second part of this project is mission formation. Fr. John will conduct intra-parish, inter-parish, and intra-diocese mission immersion exchanges/trips that attend to human and ecological concerns in Mabatini and in the vicinity of the parish, mission immersion exercises with parish youth and/or school-going youths and baptized adults in the parish, and finally, thematic retreats for specific parish groupings, for example, the youth, members of the Sacred Heart, men, women, and the charismatic group.
You gift will help to strengthen a sense of responsibility in responding to our baptismal call to serve God through service to neighbor.
“Even to your old age I am he, even when your hair is gray I will carry you; I have done this, and I will lift you up, I will carry you to safety.”
– Isaiah 46:4
by Dionel Rodriguez | Feb 14, 2024
There is increased need of involvement of the lay people in evangelization. Catechists have proved to be very useful and able to evangelize. However, there is need for them to acquire formal training on how to catechize effectively through formal training. With your support, Fr. Hung Dinh’s project will be a success after the catechists complete their training, and begin to teach and serve the people of God.
“Train the young in the way they should go; even when old, they will not swerve from it.”
– Proverbs 22:6
by Dionel Rodriguez | Feb 14, 2024
Training of Catechists in Bukundi, Tanzania
There is increased need of involvement of the lay people in evangelization. Catechists have proved to be very useful and able to evangelize. However, there is need for them to acquire formal training on how to catechize effectively. Fr. Ed Schoellmann plans to provide the training necessary to provide a solid foundation of knowledge of the faith they teach. Your gift will enable the growth and response of the Catechist himself by the spirituality exhibited by the community he serves.
“One who is being instructed in the word should share all good things with his instructor.”
– Galatians 6:6
by Dionel Rodriguez | Feb 8, 2022
The project will provide individual and group counseling to local Bolivians. Along with a psychiatrist, Fr. Greg hopes to counsel low-income adults and families who do not have financial access to professional counseling services. The psychologist and Fr. Greg will offer counseling services in individual offices at the Maryknoll Center. They will counsel adults and families on home visits. In order to accommodate the needs of a few clients, they will sometimes meet them at a public location near their place of work.
In collaboration with two other Bolivian professionals, Fr. Greg will offer courses, workshops and seminars. The courses will focus on spirituality for personal transformation. The education and counseling will emphasize the potential healing, purpose and interior peace of a mindful spiritual life.
In Bolivia, there is a genuine need for group and individual counseling to address the psychological, emotional and spiritual needs of struggling families and individuals. Nevertheless, many families are more concerned with immediate material needs than counseling. Fr. Greg would like to take a combined approach to address the counseling needs of poor Bolivian families by creating a small counseling center for single mothers through collaboration with a pre-existing tutoring and daycare center for the children of single mothers and fathers.
“Therefore, encourage one another and build one another up, as indeed you do.”
1 Thessalonians 5:11
by Dionel Rodriguez | Feb 8, 2022
Virtual Outreach through Website and Podcast
Daily Gospel Reflection podcast, done in conjunction with the Digital Marketing Unit at Maryknoll, NY. In order to facilitate advertising of personal and Maryknoll programs with the faithful, a website containing weekly websites will be used. The funds requested here are specifically for the upkeep and maintenance of this website. Success will be based on the number of visitors and subscribers to this virtual event.
Daily Gospel Reflection podcast with Fr. Daniel Kim, M.M. done in conjunction with the Digital Marketing Unit at Maryknoll, NY.
“The call of each [missioner] is unique, but their journeys have a common thread. They all felt God inviting them to move out of self to something more, to leave their homes to proclaim the Gospel to people who may never hear it if not for them….The challenge for each of us is to listen for the voice of God constantly saying, ‘Go, prophesy to my people.’
– Fr. Ed Dougherty, M.M., Maryknoll Magazine, October 2009
by Dionel Rodriguez | Feb 8, 2022
Mission Outreach Programs
For several years, the Region has been sending teams of university students to serve in impoverished, pastoralist, marginalized areas of northern Kenya: Turkana, Isiolo, Marsabit, and Pokot. The teams assist in parishes for 4-6 weeks and carry out educational, catechetical, women’s empowerment programs, and health programs in the parishes. Two mission teams of medical, nursing, public health, and pharmacy students volunteer for medical ministry in Turkana, northwestern Kenya. University students will offer tutoring in parish schools for primary and secondary school students. They will assist catechists in providing religious instruction. They will offer health education in matters of diet, hygiene, maternal health, children’s health, human sexuality, and HIV prevention. Medical, nursing, and pharmacy students will assist in parish dispensaries. Students in agriculture and animal husbandry will offer training on small-scale agriculture and livestock development.
Your support will give student participants the experience of mission for a new understanding of themselves as agents of evangelization by living our Catholic faith. Fr. John Waldrep wants to assist parishes in northern Kenya with their educational, catechetical, women’s, and health outreach programs.