Maryknoll Brothers In Mission

Brothers Ryan Thibert, Joe Bruener & Jonathan Jose in Cochabamba, Bolivia

What is a Catholic Brother and what does he do?

The best example of a “Brother” would be Jesus himself.   Jesus lived most of his life as a “Brother”.   He was single, was a person of prayer, lived in community and gave his entire life in doing the will of God.   Jesus was a man of great compassion for all people, especially the poor, the lame, the sinners, the outcast of society and the sick.  To be a “Brother” is to grow in compassion for all people, especially the poor and outcast of society.

“Then Jesus was led by the spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil.  He fasted for forty days and forty nights” (Mt. 4: 1-2).  To be a “Brother” one must strive to be a person of prayer.  Jesus begins his ministry by gathering his apostles to form a community.  He does not do his ministry alone.  “Jesus appoints 12 apostles that they may be with him and he might send them forth to preach” (Mk. 3:14).  To be a “Brother” in the Catholic Church today is to work in collaboration with the people around him.  He does not do his ministry alone.  “Then Jesus said to his disciples, whoever wishes to come after me must take up his cross and follow me (Mt. 16: 24).   There will be times of trial and error, but to be a “Brother” he must not give up in doing “God’s will” and bringing about the kingdom of God.

Br. Loren Beaudry hugging Thomas Luchagula, child of Kiza John, Bukumbi Rehabilitation Center, Mwanza, Tanzania.
– Photo © Nile Sprague

As Seasons Change So Too Does Service To God’s Mission Of Love And Compassion That Add Creativity And New Life!

Maryknoll missionary priests and Brothers have been serving in countries throughout Africa, Asia and Latin America for 104 years now.  Traditionally, we had only accepted men from the United States to join us and they knew they would be sent outside the U.S. for mission service.  In the United States we have only served in special pastoral assignments such as Chinatown in New York City.  While our assignments still remain outside the U.S., since 2017 we have started accepting men from the countries where we serve.  Originally, we felt it important to strengthen local churches insisting their young men serve the Church in their homelands.  But so many of these local churches are now strong and among their young men there are those who wish to become Maryknoll Missioners.  So we now welcome these men to join us in Mission.

As missioners when we first arrive in new countries there is both excitement and some trepidation.  We all wonder if we have what it takes to learn new languages, adapt to new cultures and establish good healthy relationships with the people.  We are required to be patient with ourselves as we become like children again in so many ways.  Prayer becomes paramount in our lives as we depend so much upon God and slowly grow and acculturate in these new settings.  In the end it is so often the people in our host country who show us the face of Jesus through their hospitality and warm welcome.  The transformation that takes place in us is awesome and is best described as grace.  And that grace brings us so much happiness!

We hope you recognize how much you and so many others like you are needed today.  The message of God’s love for all people is so important.  It needs to be preached not only in words but in the actions of our daily lives.  Each of you is a messenger wherever you go and in whatever you do.  But, you still need to take some steps in the direction that will fulfill the dreams that have brought you in contact with us.  So, don’t be stymied by the challenge.  Rather, dream on and make the dream a reality!

As always we look forward to hearing from you at ( Fr. Rodrigo Ulloa-Chavarry (Vocation Director), Fr. Mike Snyder, Fr. Joe Donovan and Mr. Greg Darr.


Vocations Facebook Page

We understand that not everyone is a Facebook user.  However, if you take the time to visit us on Facebook (  you will find several short video testimonies of Maryknoll Missioners speaking about their vocations and experiences in Africa, Asia and Latin America.  Here is a sample by Sem. John Siyumbu:

We also have a private Facebook Vocations Group for men expressing greater interest in a missionary vocation.  The group meets regularly to watch interviews with Maryknollers and have the opportunity to dialogue with us and with each other about missionary life.  Please visit our Vocations Facebook page and if you are interested in joining this group then just contact Fr. Rodrigo at or follow the instructions online for membership.

Fr. Larry Radice offers a blessing in Thailand


Holy Week Vocation Discernment Retreat Wednesday April 13 – Easter Sunday April 17

Mark your calendars! This Maryknoll Holy Week Retreat will take place at our headquarters in Ossining, NY and will offer an opportunity to discern your vocation as a Missioner. Come and learn from an outstanding missionary past, envision a promising missionary future by coming to take part in this retreat. The Maryknoll Journey is for you, come and see!  For further information contact Fr. Rodrigo at


Queen of the Apostles Chapel, Maryknoll NY

A Return And Warm Welcome In Tanzania

Fr. Mike with the present chaplain and students during a reception outside the chapel

Fr. Mike Snyder has spent his missionary career among the people of Tanzania in East Africa.  Today he serves in vocations and as Maryknoll’s Director of Admissions.  Recently he returned to East Africa where  he met several men in Kenya and Tanzania expressing interest in a missionary vocation.  While in Dar es Salaam the Catholic student community at the Muhimibili University of Health & Allied Sciences welcomed him for an evening of prayer and to give a talk.  Fr. Mike spent 6 years as Catholic chaplain at this institute, the national medical university of Tanzania.  He commented that it was like returning home.  These students did not know him personally but they knew much about him and the years spent as chaplain to the student body. After the talk they showered Fr. Mike with gifts and a short reception.

A missioner’s life is filled with hellos and goodbyes.  Events such as this one demonstrate the impact we can have on other’s lives and the joy we experience in service to God’s Mission living in other countries, experiencing new cultures and learning new languages.  As they say in Swahili, the language of Tanzania: Mungu ni mwema – God is good!


Students welcoming Fr. Mike back home at Muhimbili

Renewal through Forgiveness, Journey of Faith

Renewal through Forgiveness, Journey of Faith

“Every valley shall be filled and every mountain and hill shall be made low.” Luke 3:5 quoting Isaiah

When preparing for a big event—like Christmas—a helpful approach is deciding on your goal, fixing it in your mind, then figuring out a plan to get there.  How can we fill every valley and make low every mountain and hill?  That, my partner in prayer, is the work of Advent.

If renewal is our goal, then today’s Gospel provides some useful guidance.  At the time of Christ’s birth, Luke recounts the imperial reign of Tiberius Caesar and his underlings, men who ruled with iron fists.  So you can imagine yourself as an ordinary person of the day asking, “How much longer can this go on?”  Take a step forward and doesn’t that all sound familiar?  We worry about violence, racism, poverty, and divisions over a vaccine that seems to be tearing us apart.  Like someone living in the age of Tiberius, we might ask the same question:  “How much longer can this go on?”  Something has to give.  But what?

Israel had hoped for drastic change as promised by Isaiah and the prophets—most likely a political change.  Luke reminds us that John the Baptist took a different approach.  He offered the waters of baptism for a personal renewal—renewal of heart and soul.  We know this because the original meaning of “baptism” as recorded in Luke’s Gospel actually means, “receiving a new kind of mind, a new way of thinking.”  

Renewal through forgiveness is John the Baptist’s message to the world.  He deftly used the symbolism of water to make his point, something the Jews of his day would have understood.  They remembered well the difficult crossing of the Red Sea and the River Jordan into the Promised Land.  Interesting that even now, just weeks before Christmas, we hear the language of Exodus.  Today’s Gospel is saying that we deal with the “winding roads” of life through repentance and forgiveness—through the healing waters of baptism.

Friend, renewal is surely the goal of Advent—our personal exodus from darkness into the light of Christ.  So how will you be renewed?  How will you respond to the things God is asking of you even amidst the turmoil of life?  Here’s my suggestion:  Think back to your own baptism and your call to mission.  Then spend some time with today’s readings, believing that your faith has given you all the strength you need to be renewed in God’s image.  In case you’re wondering, that’s my plan, too.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Father ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Lance Nadeau, M.M.

Second Sunday of Advent

Our souls cry out “How long, O Lord?”

how long till justice rolls down

like a mighty river and peace springs

forth from the earth turning deserts

into oases of truth and Your mercy

falls on us like the rain.

Shorten the time, O Lord, till You return

to rule the earth in fairness and the

nations in equity lest we lose hope

and turn from walking in Your ways.

Set our feet aright upon Your way

and let forgiveness level the mountains

and service fill in the rough roads

that lead to Your kingdom on earth.

Send forth Your light to lead us to You

that we might put aside deeds of darkness

and welcome You into our hearts and homes.


Prayer by Father Joe Veneroso, M.M.

A New Formation Year Begins in Chicago

The Permanent Oath is the lifetime commitment members make to Maryknoll at the time of ordination as priests or completion of training as Brothers. During the initial formation years we make yearly Temporary Oaths. This Oath is a public sign of our commitment to the mission work of Christ as entrusted to Maryknoll. It is a commitment to each other that binds us together in a mutual response to God’s Mission. By this oath we commit ourselves to Jesus Christ, to the Catholic Church and to its duty to be messengers of God’s love, compassion and mercy throughout the world. Our seminarians and Brother candidates begin taking a temporary oath just prior to their participation in the Overseas Training Program (a two year internship program). It is renewed each year afterward until ordination as priests and lifetime commitment as Brothers when each makes his Permanent Oath as a lifetime member of Maryknoll. We have nineteen candidates in our program and this year nine have taken their temporary oath. Congratulations to all!The Permanent Oath is the lifetime commitment members make to Maryknoll at the time of ordination as priests or completion of training as Brothers. During the initial formation years we make yearly Temporary Oaths. This Oath is a public sign of our commitment to the mission work of Christ as entrusted to Maryknoll. It is a commitment to each other that binds us together in a mutual response to God’s Mission. By this oath we commit ourselves to Jesus Christ, to the Catholic Church and to its duty to be messengers of God’s love, compassion and mercy throughout the world. Our seminarians and Brother candidates begin taking a temporary oath just prior to their participation in the Overseas Training Program (a two year internship program). It is renewed each year afterward until ordination as priests and lifetime commitment as Brothers when each makes his Permanent Oath as a lifetime member of Maryknoll. We have nineteen candidates in our program and this year nine have taken their temporary oath. Congratulations to all!

A Message From St. John Paul II

We need heralds of the Gospel

Who are experts in humanity,

Who know the depths of the human heart,

Who can share the joys, the hopes,

the agonies, the distress of people today,

but who are, at the same time,

Contemplatives who have fallen in love with God.

Retreats & Virtual Come & See Events

While we always enjoy in person vocation events, the pandemic has also stimulated us to utilize social platforms to engage with young men interested in a missionary vocation.  One of these has been Saturday evening Come & See events.  They last just two hours and during this time we cover various subjects, introduce participants to Maryknoll priests, Brothers and candidates in training and hear some of their stories.

This October during Columbus Day Weekend (October 8 – 10) we will sponsor a virtual retreat at our Initial Formation Residence in Chicago.  Participants will be able to engage in discussions with our candidates.  For information in joining us contact our vocation director, Fr. Rodrigo Ulloa, at


We are a Catholic Society of priests and brothers based in the United States. We are dedicated to missionary work overseas in over 20 countries. Additionally, we animate Catholics in the United States to follow their own baptismal call to share God’s compassion and love with the poor, the sick, and all those in need.


L-R Tom O'Brien, Ray Finch, Joe Everson, Russ Feldmeier

(Fr. Lance P. Nadeau, Fr. James M. Lynch, Fr. Timothy O. Kilkelly, Fr. Juan Montes Zúñiga)

The Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers is overseen by our General Council, led by Superior General Rev. Lance P. Nadeau, M.M.


L-R Tom O'Brien, Ray Finch, Joe Everson, Russ Feldmeier

(Our Co-Founders Father Price and Father Walsh)





(Africa) Education and Formation of African Clergy

The Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers Africa Region will provide tuition assistance to African clergy, male and female religious at institutes of higher education or specialized training. Read More

Stories of Our Global Mission

The calling of a lifetime

The life of a Maryknoll missioner is challenging, fulfilling, and deeply rewarding. Follow your baptismal call to mission by sharing God’s compassion with the poor, the sick, and people most in need.

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