
Maryknoll Brothers In Mission

Brothers Ryan Thibert, Joe Bruener & Jonathan Jose in Cochabamba, Bolivia

What is a Catholic Brother and what does he do?

The best example of a “Brother” would be Jesus himself.   Jesus lived most of his life as a “Brother”.   He was single, was a person of prayer, lived in community and gave his entire life in doing the will of God.   Jesus was a man of great compassion for all people, especially the poor, the lame, the sinners, the outcast of society and the sick.  To be a “Brother” is to grow in compassion for all people, especially the poor and outcast of society.

“Then Jesus was led by the spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil.  He fasted for forty days and forty nights” (Mt. 4: 1-2).  To be a “Brother” one must strive to be a person of prayer.  Jesus begins his ministry by gathering his apostles to form a community.  He does not do his ministry alone.  “Jesus appoints 12 apostles that they may be with him and he might send them forth to preach” (Mk. 3:14).  To be a “Brother” in the Catholic Church today is to work in collaboration with the people around him.  He does not do his ministry alone.  “Then Jesus said to his disciples, whoever wishes to come after me must take up his cross and follow me (Mt. 16: 24).   There will be times of trial and error, but to be a “Brother” he must not give up in doing “God’s will” and bringing about the kingdom of God.

Br. Loren Beaudry hugging Thomas Luchagula, child of Kiza John, Bukumbi Rehabilitation Center, Mwanza, Tanzania.
– Photo © Nile Sprague

Summer 2024

Hello, friends! I hope this newsletter finds you well. The Vocations Team has prepared this edition with your journey in mind, whether you are discerning a call to priesthood or brotherhood, or simply deepening your engagement with mission.


We are a Catholic Society of priests and brothers based in the United States. We are dedicated to missionary work overseas in over 20 countries. Additionally, we animate Catholics in the United States to follow their own baptismal call to share God’s compassion and love with the poor, the sick, and all those in need.


L-R Tom O'Brien, Ray Finch, Joe Everson, Russ Feldmeier

(Fr. Lance P. Nadeau, Fr. James M. Lynch, Fr. Timothy O. Kilkelly, Fr. Juan Montes Zúñiga)

The Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers is overseen by our General Council, led by Superior General Rev. Lance P. Nadeau, M.M.


L-R Tom O'Brien, Ray Finch, Joe Everson, Russ Feldmeier

(Our Co-Founders Father Price and Father Walsh)





(Africa) Education and Formation of African Clergy

The Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers Africa Region will provide tuition assistance to African clergy, male and female religious at institutes of higher education or specialized training. Read More

Stories of Our Global Mission

The calling of a lifetime

The life of a Maryknoll missioner is challenging, fulfilling, and deeply rewarding. Follow your baptismal call to mission by sharing God’s compassion with the poor, the sick, and people most in need.