Scholarships for Students

Scholarships for Students

Scholarships for Students


Peru, Latin America

Missioner Responsible:

Fr. Michael J. Briggs, M.M.

Maryknoll has a tradition of supporting students in Peru with scholarships. Father Briggs is continuing this legacy by offering scholarships to students at the National University of the Altiplano and elsewhere.

Your gift can help these students cover some of the costs related to food, rent, transportation and fees while staying close to the Catholic Church.

“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 2:3-4

Construction of Triunfo Chapel

Construction of Triunfo Chapel

Construction of Triunfo Chapel


Guatemala, Latin American

Missioner Responsible:

Father William L. Senger, M.M.

The community of El Triunfo de la Esperanza (The Triumph of Hope and Triunfo for short) has had an exceedingly difficult history. It involves their displacement by the Guatemalan government through the force of the army to a ranch the government bought where each family was given a small plot of land to live on and another plot to farm.

The Catholic Church along with five Protestant denominations received land gratis from the government and Maryknoll built a very simple and small chapel with a dirt floor using those funds.

Now Father Sentry wants to build a more permanent chapel to serve the small Catholic community in Triunfo and your gift can help to make this happen.

“And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

Matthew 16:18

Parish Maintenance and Repairs

Parish Maintenance and Repairs

Parish Maintenance and Repairs


Brazil, Latin American

Missioner Responsible:

Fr. Dennis Moorman, M.M.

Where there are two or more, there is the grace of God and the faithful are generally blessed to have a place to worship under this energy of love.

Parishioners of the Our Lady, Mother and Queen parish in Jaraguá, São Paulo are fortunate to have such a place, but it is currently in disrepair and particularly due to leaky roofs. This is the parish where Father Moorman is assisting the local Pastor with basic maintenance and repairs that have been neglected for many years due to less care from the previous Pastors and the limited financial resources of the parishioners in this relatively rural area.

Your gift will help with general maintenance, repair of leaky roofs of the parish church structure and the parish house along with providing for the addition of a handicapped access ramp to the building.

“Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!”

Psalm 95:6

Parish Holistic Healing Project

Parish Holistic Healing Project

Parish Holistic Healing Project


Brazil, Latin America

Missioner Responsible:

Fr. Dennis Moorman, M.M.

This Apostolic Project is a holistic healing program for the parish of Nossa Senhora Mãe e Rainha located on the northwestern periphery of São Paulo. Its goal is to help subsidize holistic health care for people who are of a low-income level and who could not otherwise afford these types of treatments.

Envisioned by Father Moorman, this project will support psychological counseling, group therapy and acupuncture treatments. Participants will be asked to contribute toward their healing if possible.

Given that most of these low-income people in the parish are stretching to meet their most basic needs, your gift can help some of them experience the compassion and healing of the Catholic Church.

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”

Psalm 147:3

HIV/AIDS Project

HIV/AIDS Project

HIV/AIDS Project


Brazil, Latin America

Missioner Responsible:

Fr. Dennis Moorman, M.M.

A true sign of Catholic charism is to embrace and help some of the most excluded populations to heal and become part of the larger community. This is certainly true for those living with HIV or AIDS in or around São Paulo, Brazil.

Father Moorman wants to provide partial support to an ongoing HIV/AIDS Project founded by an Irish Missionary Sister back in 1996. The purpose of the program is to help people who are living with HIV or AIDS in a variety of ways including home visits, therapy and education and to work with the community to prevent the spread of the virus.

Your gift can help some of the downtrodden in Brazil to feel more a part of their community in the Love and Hope of Jesus Christ.

“God keeps his promises and provides healing when we face sicknesses.”

Isaiah 53:5

Parish Ministry in the Bolivian Amazon

Parish Ministry in the Bolivian Amazon

Parish Ministry in the Bolivian Amazon


Bolivia, Latin America

Missioner Responsible:

Fr. Alejandro L. Marino, M.M.

After listening to Archbishop Oscar and discerning with the Pastoral Group, Father Marino is taking responsibility for the Santisima Trinidad Parish in the Bolivian Amazon. He will work as part of a team of three priests and the seminarians in the area and this Apostolic Project will help with the pastoral work in a large geographic area and reforestation efforts.

Your gift can help Maryknoll step up to lead the Santisima Trinidad Parish in the Bolivian Amazon.

“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”

Mark 11:24

Office for immigrants of the Aone of Curco Diocesis de Talca

Office for immigrants of the Aone of Curco Diocesis de Talca

Office for immigrants of the Aone of Curco Diocesis de Talca


Chile, Latin America

Missioner Responsible:

Bro. John Nitsch, M.M.

The Pastoral of Human Movimiento of the Diocese of Talca has been helping the immigrants in the City of Curico for the last three years. This process has become more complicated in recent years and has been taking up to a year or more to obtain the visa which they need to be able to get decent job. Curico and the area close to Curico has received immigrants from countries such as Haiti, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia. In Curico, there is a camp where approximately 150 Haitian families have built temporary houses, and the city of Curico has been trying to move them because there is not authorization to build homes. With your gift, Brother Nitsch hopes to help many immigrants in Curico with their local papers and with the process of obtaining their visas and work permits.

“Do not neglect hospitality, for through it some have unknowingly entertained angels.”
– Hebrews 13:2

Alpaca Wool Project

Alpaca Wool Project

Alpaca Wool Project



Missioner Responsible:

Fr. Gregory McPhee, M.M.

This project works in collaboration with a congregation of religious sisters, Hermanas Misioneras de Cristo Sediento, to sell alpaca wool and some artisanal alpaca crafts. The Sisters spin alpaca wool into 200 yard skeins for sale. The crafts will be a few hand-made sweaters, scarves, shawls and blankets. The proceeds will support the ministries of the religious Sisters to the local population.

“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and will be repaid in full”
Proverbs 19:17

Human Rights and Care of Creation

Human Rights and Care of Creation

Human Rights and Care of Creation


Latin America



Missioner Responsible:

Fr. Michael Briggs, M.M.

Along with The Office of “Human Rights and Environment” – DHUMA – a non-governmental organization, this project supports members of indigenous communities and grassroots social organizations (OSB) who empower themselves by learning their rights, strengthening their communities and organizations, being proactive in nonviolent actions for the defense of our common home, Mother Earth, and her natural resources, especially water, and continually creating new paths, such as opening Constitutional legal suits (Casos de Amparo) against the State and mining enterprises, to assure that their rights are respected by the State and extractive industries.

With your gift, you will help leaders who are willing to challenge the “extractivist” model of development and any human activity, negligence or policy which generates disastrous impacts on Mother Earth or violates the fundamental rights of indigenous peoples to life, health, water, territory, land, prior consultation and consent, ethnic identity, organizational autonomy, indigenous justice, etc. succeed.

“In safeguarding and helping to renew God’s creation, we cultivate a peace we can not only enjoy today but also that can continue to sustain generations to come.”

– Fr. Bob Jalbert, M.M., Maryknoll Magazine, January 2010

Pastoral Counseling

Pastoral Counseling

Pastoral Counseling


Latin America



Missioner Responsible:

Fr. Gregory McPhee, M.M.

The project will provide individual and group counseling to local Bolivians. Along with a psychiatrist, Fr. Greg hopes to counsel low-income adults and families who do not have financial access to professional counseling services. The psychologist and Fr. Greg will offer counseling services in individual offices at the Maryknoll Center.  They will counsel adults and families on home visits. In order to accommodate the needs of a few clients, they will sometimes meet them at a public location near their place of work.

In collaboration with two other Bolivian professionals, Fr. Greg will offer courses, workshops and seminars. The courses will focus on spirituality for personal transformation. The education and counseling will emphasize the potential healing, purpose and interior peace of a mindful spiritual life.

In Bolivia, there is a genuine need for group and individual counseling to address the psychological, emotional and spiritual needs of struggling families and individuals. Nevertheless, many families are more concerned with immediate material needs than counseling. Fr. Greg would like to take a combined approach to address the counseling needs of poor Bolivian families by creating a small counseling center for single mothers through collaboration with a pre-existing tutoring and daycare center for the children of single mothers and fathers.

Therefore, encourage one another and build one another up, as indeed you do.   

1 Thessalonians 5:11


We are a Catholic Society of priests and brothers based in the United States. We are dedicated to missionary work overseas in over 20 countries. Additionally, we animate Catholics in the United States to follow their own baptismal call to share God’s compassion and love with the poor, the sick, and all those in need.


L-R Tom O'Brien, Ray Finch, Joe Everson, Russ Feldmeier

(Fr. Lance P. Nadeau, Fr. James M. Lynch, Fr. Timothy O. Kilkelly, Fr. Juan Montes Zúñiga)

The Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers is overseen by our General Council, led by Superior General Rev. Lance P. Nadeau, M.M.


L-R Tom O'Brien, Ray Finch, Joe Everson, Russ Feldmeier

(Our Co-Founders Father Price and Father Walsh)





(Africa) Education and Formation of African Clergy

The Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers Africa Region will provide tuition assistance to African clergy, male and female religious at institutes of higher education or specialized training. Read More

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