by Maryknoll Society | Mar 30, 2023
Ongoing Education for African Clergy & Religious
The Africa Region will provide tuition assistance to Africa clergy and male and female religious at institutes of higher education or specialized training, as well as ongoing support for one seminary of an African missionary order. The studies will usually take place at colleges and universities that are located in Africa. It will be of great benefit to the Church in Africa to assist its future leaders to receive some advanced education or specialized training.
Your generosity will be of great benefit to the Church in Africa to assist its future leaders to receive advanced education.
“And what you heard from me through many witnesses entrust to faithful people who will have the ability to teach others as well.”
2 Timothy 2:2
by Maryknoll Society | Mar 30, 2023
Bro. Beaudry ministers to people suffering from mental illness. These are people who are outcast in society, and many do not have a family. Bro. Loren’s aim is to be with these people and show them love and concern by spending time with each patient as well as gathering the community to play bingo and sing songs together. These people also need a better diet so they are given fruits, vegetables and rice along with an educational program on healthy living. This project also provides for outings so they will have a chance to enjoy life outside the camp.
Pastoral Ministry also includes the Youth at Mabatini parish. This will help sponsor youth with workshops, seminars and sports events and ministering to Senior Citizens in Mabatini with educational seminars, outings and weekly bingo games.
“For those who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God.”
Romans 8:14
by Dionel Rodriguez | Feb 22, 2023
Single Mothers & Girls Housing Project
This project will help with housing for single mothers and abandoned adolescent women at the St. Clare Health Facility, Molo, Kenya, providing shelter for these impoverished women. Funding will support the construction of a small house with two large rooms which will serve as dormitories, a kitchen, and lavatory.
“She reaches out her hands to the poor, and extends her arms to the needy.”
Proverbs 31:20
by Dionel Rodriguez | Feb 22, 2023
Support Education Major Seminarians
Fr. Dinh’s project is to assist the local church in training and formation necessary to continue our mission to support and strengthen local church. The majority people in the Diocese depend on agriculture and keeping of animals, leaving no available funds to help support the church and the studies of major seminarians.
The Catholic Diocese of Shinyanga was formed and cultivated by Maryknoll since 1950. Today the seeds that have been planted by Maryknoll have blossomed with 67 major seminarians (2021-2022) and 82 for this year (2022-2023). With your help, Fr. Dinh hopes to continue the education of these young men.
“We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28
by Dionel Rodriguez | Feb 8, 2022
Social Hall at Transfiguration Parish
Fr. John Eybel’s project includes the construction of a social hall adjacent to the Transfiguration Parish church and rectory in Mabatini, Mwanza. The Social Hall will allow for large groups to meet, e.g. 500 youths, and for potential parish income from wedding receptions and other major social functions.
With your help, the re-acquired property will serve the social needs of Transfiguration parishioners offering potential space for education, meetings, receptions, recreation and Sisters’ housing.
“Poverty is not an option. The poor have no options. Develop a situation where the people have opportunities, and they will flourish.”
– Fr. Thomas Goekler, Maryknoll Magazine, September 2009
by Dionel Rodriguez | Feb 8, 2022
The reforestation project will take place in 20-30 outstations of St. John the Baptist Parish. Two types of drought-resistant trees will be planted. The trees will bring various nutritional and socio-economic benefits to the local population. The second part of this proposal is for a solar pump for a well in St. John the Baptist Parish. In 2015, the Society funded the drilling of a well in the Parish. That well is now the main water source for the surrounding community. Fossil fuels are used to power the pump. Shifting to a solar pump will protect the environment and relieve the community of the costs entailed by purchasing diesel. If the trees survive, the tree project will become self-sustaining. The well has already been a self-sustaining project. The solar pump will enhance the well’s durability.
This care of creation project is for sustainable trees in the semi-arid area of Kibwezi in southeastern Kenya and a solar pump for a well. The Moringa Oleifera tree can provide a source of nutrition to community members, especially during the dry seasons, and the use of a solar pump will eliminate the need for fossil fuels to power the power.
by Dionel Rodriguez | Feb 8, 2022
Mission Outreach Programs
For several years, the Region has been sending teams of university students to serve in impoverished, pastoralist, marginalized areas of northern Kenya: Turkana, Isiolo, Marsabit, and Pokot. The teams assist in parishes for 4-6 weeks and carry out educational, catechetical, women’s empowerment programs, and health programs in the parishes. Two mission teams of medical, nursing, public health, and pharmacy students volunteer for medical ministry in Turkana, northwestern Kenya. University students will offer tutoring in parish schools for primary and secondary school students. They will assist catechists in providing religious instruction. They will offer health education in matters of diet, hygiene, maternal health, children’s health, human sexuality, and HIV prevention. Medical, nursing, and pharmacy students will assist in parish dispensaries. Students in agriculture and animal husbandry will offer training on small-scale agriculture and livestock development.
Your support will give student participants the experience of mission for a new understanding of themselves as agents of evangelization by living our Catholic faith. Fr. John Waldrep wants to assist parishes in northern Kenya with their educational, catechetical, women’s, and health outreach programs.
by Dionel Rodriguez | Feb 8, 2022
Aid to Women and Children
Fr. John Waldrep has developed a system to assist women meet their expenses and start some small on-the-street businesses (fruit and vegetable stands, fast food stands, and stands for small domestic items and beauty products) that enable them to meet their expenses and move away from commercial sex work. The second part of this project is maternal assistance to pregnant secondary school young women and university women. Pregnant university students are denied on-campus accommodations soon after the first trimester. In addition to meeting the costs of pre-natal care, they must pay rent and utilities, prepare to cover delivery costs, purchase baby clothes, and buy food. Often, families refuse to assist pregnant students and insist on ending the pregnancy.
With your help, women will be able to establish small on-the-street businesses and meet their daily needs for food, housing, education and medical care for their children. Pregnant young women will be able to attend secondary school and university students will continue their studies.
“Everywhere we are touched by the triumph of the human spirit and enriched by encountering people’s faith experience. We join with them announcing the healing, reconciling and liberating Jesus.”
– Maryknoll’s mission vision, Maryknoll Magazine Welcome Issue, circa 1996-2002
by Dionel Rodriguez | Feb 2, 2021
Clinical Pastoral Education at Bugando Medical Center Subsidy, Tanzania
With your help, we will subsidize school fees for the Clinical Pastoral Education Program (CPE) at Bugando Medical Center (BMC) in Mwanza.
Maryknoll priest Fr. John Eybel. M.M., supervises students in the program two days each week while living at Mabatini Parish in Mwanza Archdiocese. His education project is not self-sustaining but is paid for by student fees and contributions from the hospital and from the Tanzania Episcopal Conference. Most participants are seminarians currently coming from Musoma and Mwanza.
“As we reach out in compassion and solidarity with the poor, let us keep in mind that we’re not making God present but rather witnessing God already present.”
– Today’s Good News Fr. Robert Jalbert (Maryknoll, July/August 2015)
by Dionel Rodriguez | Oct 9, 2020
La Posadita del Buen Pastor
La Posadita del Buen Pastor (Little Inn of the Good Shepherd) provides shelter, food and medical care for children and women with HIV/AIDS. There are 14 children and 7 women living at the Posadita. This is one of only two AIDS shelters in Peru for women and children.
The Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers work in collaboration with The Sisters of the Good Shepherd which founded La Posadita de Buen Pastor in 1998 by Sr. Victor Mestas, a Good Shepherd Sister.