Outpatient Clinical Service

Outpatient Clinical Service

Outpatient Clinical Service



Missioner Responsible:

Fr. Hung Dinh, M.M.

EDARP (Eastern Deanery) plans to open an inexpensive Outpatient Clinical Service. One of their core targeted patient groups is their own patients taking anti-retroviral drugs (ARV). Long-term taking of ARV’s cause side effects. At present, the Deanery has 28,537 patients receiving ARV. Out of this number 4,139, or 14.5%, have developed other illnesses because of the toxicity of the ARV. The primary illnesses are diabetes and hypertension. The number of people with these illnesses continues to increase. The clinic will also expand the HIV Positive women screening for cervical cancer. Besides caring for their own HIV patients, this clinic will offer these services to the broader community which are poor or very low income. By providing quality and affordable outpatient services, the clinic reflects the Eastern Deanery’s commitment to providing holistic and accessible healthcare solutions, by extending their reach, and continually evolving to meet the diverse needs of the communities they serve.

“And the king will say to them in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.”
– Matthew 25:40

“Our Home” Shelter (Hogar Albergue Nuestra Casa)

“Our Home” Shelter (Hogar Albergue Nuestra Casa)

“Our Home” Shelter (Hogar Albergue Nuestra Casa)


Latin America



Missioner Responsible:

Bro. Ryan Thibert, M.M.

Initiated by a group of laypersons in 2005, “Our Home” Shelter, also known as Hogar Albergue Nuestra Casa, began as a nonprofit social work whose purpose was to offer a safe space and protection to girls and adolescents between the ages of 9 and 18 who have suffered sexual violence within their families. Under the guidance of Brother Ryan Thibert, M.M., the goal of this program is to provide an integral approach that will permit the reestablishment of their personal and family well-being and the restitution of those rights which have been violated. The shelter can house a total capacity of 15 girls and adolescents. The services are also extended to the families of the girls as the family relationship is essential for affective emotion healing and their family re-integration. With your gift, Father Ryan can offer a temporary safe space of protection to girls and adolescents ages 9 through 18 while providing education and services to the families.

“I command you: be strong and steadfast! Do not fear nor be dismayed, for the Lord, your God, is with you wherever you go.”
– Joshua 1:9

Swahili Literature, Theological and Secular

Swahili Literature, Theological and Secular

Swahili Literature, Theological and Secular


Kenya, Africa

Missioner Responsible:

Fr. John Waldrep, M.M.

Although number of Swahili speakers varies widely (between 60 million and 150 million), its importance as the national language of Tanzania, and one of the two official languages of Kenya, would be difficult to overestimate. Nevertheless, the present state of Swahili literature is stagnant, if not in actual decline. The majority of theological works are translations from English, despite the efforts of rather well known writers such as Fr. Titus Amigu. Fr. John Waldrep wants to assist writers in Tanzania who want to publish in Swahili. With your gift, there will be a wider selection of books available to the Swahili-speaking reading community on theological and spiritual subjects.

“He came to Nazareth, where he had grown up, and went according to his custom into the synagogue on the Sabbath day. He stood up to read”
– Luke 4:16

Pastoral Counseling

Pastoral Counseling

Pastoral Counseling


Latin America



Missioner Responsible:

Fr. Gregory McPhee, M.M.

The project will provide individual and group counseling to local Bolivians. Along with a psychiatrist, Fr. Greg hopes to counsel low-income adults and families who do not have financial access to professional counseling services. The psychologist and Fr. Greg will offer counseling services in individual offices at the Maryknoll Center.  They will counsel adults and families on home visits. In order to accommodate the needs of a few clients, they will sometimes meet them at a public location near their place of work.

In collaboration with two other Bolivian professionals, Fr. Greg will offer courses, workshops and seminars. The courses will focus on spirituality for personal transformation. The education and counseling will emphasize the potential healing, purpose and interior peace of a mindful spiritual life.

In Bolivia, there is a genuine need for group and individual counseling to address the psychological, emotional and spiritual needs of struggling families and individuals. Nevertheless, many families are more concerned with immediate material needs than counseling. Fr. Greg would like to take a combined approach to address the counseling needs of poor Bolivian families by creating a small counseling center for single mothers through collaboration with a pre-existing tutoring and daycare center for the children of single mothers and fathers.

Therefore, encourage one another and build one another up, as indeed you do.   

1 Thessalonians 5:11

Aid to Women and Children

Aid to Women and Children

Aid to Women and Children





Missioner Responsible:

Fr. John Waldrep, M.M.

Fr. John Waldrep has developed a system to assist women meet their expenses and start some small on-the-street businesses (fruit and vegetable stands, fast food stands, and stands for small domestic items and beauty products) that enable them to meet their expenses and move away from commercial sex work. The second part of this project is maternal assistance to pregnant secondary school young women and university women. Pregnant university students are denied on-campus accommodations soon after the first trimester. In addition to meeting the costs of pre-natal care, they must pay rent and utilities, prepare to cover delivery costs, purchase baby clothes, and buy food. Often, families refuse to assist pregnant students and insist on ending the pregnancy.

With your help, women will be able to establish small on-the-street businesses and meet their daily needs for food, housing, education and medical care for their children. Pregnant young women will be able to attend secondary school and university students will continue their studies.

“Everywhere we are touched by the triumph of the human spirit and enriched by encountering people’s faith experience. We join with them announcing the healing, reconciling and liberating Jesus.”

– Maryknoll’s mission vision, Maryknoll Magazine Welcome Issue, circa 1996-2002

La Posadita del Buen Pastor

La Posadita del Buen Pastor

La Posadita del Buen Pastor


Latin America



Missioner Responsible:

Fr. Joseph Fedora, M.M.

La Posadita del Buen Pastor (Little Inn of the Good Shepherd) provides shelter, food and medical care for children and women with HIV/AIDS. There are 14 children and 7 women living at the Posadita. This is one of only two AIDS shelters in Peru for women and children.

The Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers work in collaboration with The Sisters of the Good Shepherd which founded La Posadita de Buen Pastor in 1998 by Sr. Victor Mestas, a Good Shepherd Sister.

Medical and Pastoral Services for Prisoners

Medical and Pastoral Services for Prisoners

Medical and Pastoral Services for Prisoners


Latin America



Missioner Responsible:

Fr. Joseph Fedora, M.M.

Fr. Joe Fedora works to provide medicine to the detained and secretarial services the Chaplain at Peru’s largest prison, San Pedro de Lurigancho, a facility built for 3,300 prisoners that currently holds 10,000, making it the most densely populated prison in the Americas. The aim is to accompany people abandoned by society and, for many, even by family. Established in 1999, the project continues to medical and pastoral care to the forgotten.

Father Joseph Fedora offers counseling, the Sacraments, and medicines to prisoners who are HIV+ and receiving little or no care.

“Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened,* and I will give you rest.   

Matthew 11:28

Ministry for People with Albinism

Ministry for People with Albinism

Ministry for People with Albinism




South Sudan

Missioner Responsible:

Fr. John W. Waldrep, M.M.


Mission Service:

Health and Social Welfare

The number of people with Albinism is very high in Tanzania–far more than in many other Sub-Saharan African country. People with Albinism are horribly persecuted in Tanzania. Their skin is thought to have magical properties, so they are killed, dismembered and their body parts used in magic potions. Or, they are killed because people think them cursed and bearers of bad luck. Either way, they’re in an incredibly precarious situation.

Your gift will help protect these people while providing food, medical care, assistance with rent, education, and necessities such as sunblock, umbrellas, sunglasses, and hats.

“Open your mouth in behalf of the mute, and for the rights of the destitute; Open your mouth, judge justly, defend the needy and the poor!”

Proverbs 31:8-9

Parroquia Cristo Resucitado Curico

Parroquia Cristo Resucitado Curico

Parroquia Cristo Resucitado Curico


Latin America



Missioner Responsible:

Bro. John J. Nitsch, M.M.

Existing on limited donations from its poor parishioners, the Parish of Cristo Resucitado needs your assistance to continue its soup kitchen, which provides more than 150 meals a day to the needy. In addition, the parish provides financial aid to seven of its students studying at the university, and runs a youth group for children during winter and summer vacations.

In 2017, the area received about 500 immigrates from Haiti, Venezuela and Columbia. The immigrants from Haiti require extra assistance because of language and climate differences. Your donations will help keep their assistance programs running and help Brother John Nitsch, M.M. support the increased number of immigrants.

Your donations will help keep their assistance programs running.

Project Updates

  • Assist university students in finishing their studies in law, social work, health care, and psychology.
  • Our soup kitchen now serves lunch to about 150 poor people six days a week.
  • Brother John Nitsch has been able to help begin raising bees for honey and to pollinate the fruit trees, increasing the income and standard of living of the people involved.
  • Starting a weekend formation program for our pastoral agents, and support other monthly and bimonthly retreats and formation times for the different parish groups.

Food Program for Prisoners with HIV

Food Program for Prisoners with HIV

Food Program for Prisoners with HIV


Latin America



Missioner Responsible:

Fr. Joseph Fedora, M.M.

Maryknoll Father Joseph Fedora runs a feeding program in Peru’s San Pedro de Lurigancho prison for 20 ailing prisoners living with HIV/AIDS.  When prisoners on anti-retroviral drugs regain their weight, they no longer receive their medicines and become undernourished all over again.  Father Joe provides them with nutritious meals and counsels those who ask for spiritual guidance.

Through your generosity and prayers, these men will receive the nourishment they need – both physically and spiritually.


We are a Catholic Society of priests and brothers based in the United States. We are dedicated to missionary work overseas in over 20 countries. Additionally, we animate Catholics in the United States to follow their own baptismal call to share God’s compassion and love with the poor, the sick, and all those in need.


L-R Tom O'Brien, Ray Finch, Joe Everson, Russ Feldmeier

(Fr. Lance P. Nadeau, Fr. James M. Lynch, Fr. Timothy O. Kilkelly, Fr. Juan Montes Zúñiga)

The Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers is overseen by our General Council, led by Superior General Rev. Lance P. Nadeau, M.M.


L-R Tom O'Brien, Ray Finch, Joe Everson, Russ Feldmeier

(Our Co-Founders Father Price and Father Walsh)





(Africa) Education and Formation of African Clergy

The Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers Africa Region will provide tuition assistance to African clergy, male and female religious at institutes of higher education or specialized training. Read More

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