An Easter Message from Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers, from Fr. Lance Nadeau, M.M.

An Easter Message from Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers, from Fr. Lance Nadeau, M.M.

Hello everyone, my dear brothers and sisters. Let me wish you all the blessings of Easter as we celebrate the Resurrection of Our Lord.

This year, many of us may feel uncomfortable celebrating this season of great joy due to news of unrest and the horrors of war. It is natural that our hearts go out to the people of Ukraine. Their suffering is evident.

I wish it was something unusual.

But it seems that wars and suffering never end. Right now, in addition to the conflict in Eastern Europe, there are wars, insurgencies, and ethnic violence in every region that Maryknoll priests and brothers serve.

Even if they are not in the midst of misery, or shootings, like the ones we see on our screens all the time, they are not far away. People displaced from their homes become refugees in need of shelter. Children need to be educated. The hungry need to be fed.

When I have looked at the faces of those people, I have been able to catch a glimpse of the face of our Lord. Human suffering, in a war-torn land or on a cross atop Calvary, reduces us all to the same state.

Dear friends, in the Gospel of Saint Matthew the Angel of the Lord tells the women who go to the tomb: “Do not be afraid”. In a way, that sums up the glory of the Resurrection, which is God’s gift to us.

When we let go of our fears, we can help each other transcend suffering. Alone we cannot end or win a war. However, together we can change the lives of those affected by it.

Your support and your prayers are what make the work of my fellow Maryknoll missionaries possible. On behalf of all the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers, I wish you all the blessings of Easter.

And I ask that you continue to pray with us as we serve our less fortunate brothers and sisters who are suffering in the world.

And now, my dear brothers and sisters,
May the merciful God, who by the resurrection of his only begotten Son has redeemed you and made you his children, fill you with joy with his blessing. Amen.

Through Christ the Redeemer, through whom you have received the gift of perpetual freedom, grant you also, in his goodness, to have a share in the eternal inheritance. Amen.

May you, who by faith have risen in baptism, deserve, by your good works, to reach the heavenly homeland. Amen.

And the blessing of almighty God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, descend upon you and remain forever. Amen.

– Happy Easter.

Martin Luther King and The Trumpet of Conscience Today, Interview with Régine Michelle Jean-Charles

Martin Luther King and The Trumpet of Conscience Today, Interview with Régine Michelle Jean-Charles

Martin Luther King and The Trumpet of Conscience Today wrestles with the parts of King’s vision that have historically been the most uncomfortable for white Americans. The lectures that comprise “The Trumpet of Conscience” are a powerful critique of the triple American evils of racism, the scourge of poverty, and the horrors of war. In light of today’s urgent social issues, Régine Michelle Jean-Charles offers a faith-based, justice-centered response to economic inequality, the refugee crisis, Black Lives Matter, and #MeToo, while asking questions similar to those King posed in his speeches: “If I do not stop to help families separated at the border what will happen to them?”; “If I do not stop to help those suffering as a result of income inequality, what will happen to them?” “If I do not stop to help survivors of rape and sexual abuse what will happen to them?”

Earth Day – April 22nd

Earth Day – April 22nd

Earth Day


Care of Creation

Africa – Kenya
Fr. John Waldrep, M.M.

The reforestation project will take place in 20-30 outstations of St. John the Baptist Parish. Two types of drought-resistant trees will be planted. The trees will bring various nutritional and socio-economic benefits to the local population. The second part of this proposal is for a solar pump for a well in St. John the Baptist Parish. In 2015, the Society funded the drilling of a well in the Parish. That well is now the main water source for the surrounding community. Fossil fuels are used to power the pump. Shifting to a solar pump will protect the environment and relieve the community of the costs entailed by purchasing diesel. If the trees survive, the tree project will become self-sustaining. The well has already been a self-sustaining project. The solar pump will enhance the well’s durability.

This care of creation project is for sustainable trees in the semi-arid area of Kibwezi in southeastern Kenya and a solar pump for a well. The Moringa Oleifera tree can provide a source of nutrition to community members, especially during the dry seasons, and the use of a solar pump will eliminate the need for fossil fuels to power the power.

Human Rights and Care of

Latin America – Peru
Fr. Michael Briggs, M.M.

Along with The Office of “Human Rights and Environment” – DHUMA – a non-governmental organization,  this project supports members of indigenous communities and grassroots social organizations (OSB) who empower themselves by learning their rights, strengthening their communities and organizations, being proactive in nonviolent actions for the defense of our common home, Mother Earth, and her natural resources, especially water, and continually creating new paths, such as opening Constitutional legal suits (Casos de Amparo) against the State and mining enterprises, to assure that their rights are respected by the State and extractive industries.

With your gift, you will help leaders who are willing to challenge the “extractivist” model of development and any human activity, negligence or policy which generates disastrous impacts on Mother Earth or violates the fundamental rights of indigenous peoples to life, health, water, territory, land, prior consultation and consent, ethnic identity, organizational autonomy, indigenous justice, etc. succeed.

What Makes Education Catholic: Spiritual Foundations, Interview with Thomas Groome

What Makes Education Catholic: Spiritual Foundations, Interview with Thomas Groome

In this readable and timely work, Thomas Groome explores the basis of Catholic education, from the historical Jesus to figures like Augustine and Aquinas, Angela Merici, Elizabeth Seton, and Mary Ward. Groome shows how these foremothers and fathers of Catholic education ground and shape the spirituality of Catholic educators today. It is these foundations that ensure that Catholic schools today deliver the education they promise to students–not only to Catholics, but to those of many religious traditions.

Resurrection Hope, Interview with Kelly Brown Douglas

Resurrection Hope, Interview with Kelly Brown Douglas

“How do we really know that God cares when Black people are still getting killed? How long do we have to wait for the justice of God? I get it, that Christ is Black, but that doesn’t seem to be helping us right now.”

These questions from her son prompted theologian Kelly Brown Douglas to undertake this soul-searching reflection. The killing of George Floyd and the ongoing litany of Black victims raised questions about the persistence of white supremacy in this nation, leading her to reflect on how a “white way of knowing” has come to dominate American identity and even to shape the consciousness of Christians.

In exploring the message of Confederate monuments and the “Make America Great Again” slogan, she examines the failures of even “good white Christians” and struggles with the hope that “Black Lives Matter,” before reaching deep into her own experience and the faith of Black folks to find her way back to Resurrection Hope.

Maryknoll Prayer Guild, December 2021

Maryknoll Prayer Guild, December 2021

O wondrous night, when you,
Almighty and Eternal God,
came to earth as a baby and
dwelt among us as a human!
You restored the human race
to the dignity lost in Eden
and raised it further still
by Uour glorious Incarnation.

O blessed day, dawning on a people
who walked in darkness,
help us always to see and celebrate
Your presence among us,
especially in the poor, the sick,
the aged and the oppressed.

From the humble stable in Bethlehem
let the message go forth that
Emanuel, God-With-Us,
remains with us still and
no power on earth, in heaven or hell
can ever separate us from the love of
God Made manifest in Christ Jesus.


Father Joseph Veneroso, M.M.

Maryknoll Prayer Guild, December 2021

With Hearts Longing for Your Peace, Maryknoll Prayer Guild

In anticipation of this coming Sunday’s Mother’s Day, we celebrate all of you as our Prayer Guild members who are mothers as well as joining you in giving thanks for your own mothers.  We also take advantage of this occasion and invite you to reflect with us today upon the Blessed Virgin Mary and her elder clousin Elizabeth; and their meeting when Mary visited Elizabeth (Luke 1: 39-56).

Given God’s custom and practice of using ordinary human beings to help realize God’s extraordinary design in and for our world, both of these woman played crucial roles in God’s plan of salvation through the persons of their sons, John the Baptist and Jesus.

In the affirmative responses of their mothers to God’s messengers, the impossible (Mary unmarried; Elizabeth beyond child-bearing age) became possible.  In living-out these reflections today, we’ll come to learn more deeply how God is calling and inviting us to be God’s Good News for others.

Mary spoke her Magnificat (Song of Praise) during her visit with Elizabeth; and both recognized and named what is was for Mary to have made the impossible, possible through her “Yes”:  “All will call me happy because of the great things that God has done for me”.  (Taken from the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 1, Verses 48 to 49.)

Likewise, following John the Baptist’s birth, his father Zechariah spoke his prophecy (for himself and Elizabeth) in response to God for having called him and Elizabeth into parenthood for John in their old age:  “You, my child, will be called a prophet of the Most High God to tell his people that they will be saved”.  (From the Gospel of Luke, Chapter one, verses 77 and 78)

Both Mary and Zechariah here are witnessisng to and proclaiming that God is faithful to God’s promises – the very same message that their sons will proclaim in their respective earthly ministries.  Similar to what happens to us when we try to live-out the Scriptures proclaimed in our Liturgies in our everyday lives, we ask ourselves here:  What are Mary and Zechariah trying to tell us today?

Very simply, they’re reminding us that God has a unique role for each of us to play in bringing-about God’s design in our world; and that our God each day is waiting to surprise us as God makes what seems the impossible, possible in us and through us in relationships with others.

Diarmuid O’Murchu, Author of Doing Theology in an Evolutionary Way

Diarmuid O’Murchu, Author of Doing Theology in an Evolutionary Way

Traditional Western theology, according to O’Murchu, has been rooted in an understanding of sinful humanity in a flawed creation. Over the centuries this paradigm has engendered co-dependent relationships among the people of God. Even worse has been an imperial image of God, which, after Constantine, which affirmed imperial models of human authority, whether in the church or society.

Here O’Murchu shows how it is in the power of that Spirit of evolution that Jesus incarnates afresh God’s embodied presence in our midst, and encourages us on the way to becoming creative participants in God’s unfolding mission. 

Readers who are familiar with O’Murchu’s work will find much to ponder, and those seeking a new understanding of faith, church, and world, an evocative voice.

Diarmuid O’Murchu is the author of many pioneering books that include Evolutionary Faith, Ancestral Grace, Inclusivity, Beyond Original Sin, and When the Disciple Comes of Age (all Orbis). He lives in Ireland and speaks throughout the world.

Fran Quigley , Author of Religious Socialism

Fran Quigley , Author of Religious Socialism

For most of this nation’s history, religious socialists made their case to a population that was, for the most part, hospitable to religion and resistant to socialism. Today, those trends are moving in opposite directions. A majority of young people and persons of color in the U.S. express support for socialism. At the same time, even as religious affiliation has dropped, most Americans still say religion is important to them.

 Religious Socialism provides an introduction to how those powerful forces come together in the form of religious socialism, the intersection between a devotion to God and a system that promotes social justice in the world. Many of its champions would embrace the words of Eugene Debs, who ran for president several times on the Socialist ticket: “Socialism is Christianity in action.” Most of the figures in this book are Christian, including contemporary figures like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Cornel West, but others profiled are Jewish, Buddhist, and Muslim socialists.

 Fran Quigley is a former journalist, now teaching as professor at Indiana University McKinney School of Law, where he directs the Health and Human Rights Clinic. He is an active member of the Religion and Socialism Working Group of the Democratic Socialists of America, where he contributes to and helps edit their blog and podcast.

Donal Dorr, Author of A Creed for Today

Donal Dorr, Author of A Creed for Today

“Offers a vibrant spirituality based on a rereading of Christian tradition through a lens of love for the Earth and all its creatures. It is a joy to read!”—James Corkery, SJ, Gregorian University, Rome

Renowned theologian Donal Dorr explores the interplay between an ecological spirituality and our traditional Christian faith at this critical juncture in the twenty-first century. Rather than seeing ecological spirituality as an adjunct to Christian doctrine, Dorr views it as central to our understanding of Christianity today, and integral to understanding our relationship with the natural world.

In building this creed, Dorr lays out a compelling vision for how we should live at both a spiritual and practical level in terms of our Christian faith and our attendant role as stewards of the Earth.

Donal Dorr is an Irish theologian and missionary priest who has served as a consultor to the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace and as a resource person for the Irish Missionary Union. He is the author of ten books, including the Orbis titles Option for the Poor and for the Earth and Mission in Today’s World.


We are a Catholic Society of priests and brothers based in the United States. We are dedicated to missionary work overseas in over 20 countries. Additionally, we animate Catholics in the United States to follow their own baptismal call to share God’s compassion and love with the poor, the sick, and all those in need.


L-R Tom O'Brien, Ray Finch, Joe Everson, Russ Feldmeier

(Fr. Lance P. Nadeau, Fr. James M. Lynch, Fr. Timothy O. Kilkelly, Fr. Juan Montes Zúñiga)

The Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers is overseen by our General Council, led by Superior General Rev. Lance P. Nadeau, M.M.


L-R Tom O'Brien, Ray Finch, Joe Everson, Russ Feldmeier

(Our Co-Founders Father Price and Father Walsh)





(Africa) Education and Formation of African Clergy

The Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers Africa Region will provide tuition assistance to African clergy, male and female religious at institutes of higher education or specialized training. Read More

Stories of Our Global Mission

The calling of a lifetime

The life of a Maryknoll missioner is challenging, fulfilling, and deeply rewarding. Follow your baptismal call to mission by sharing God’s compassion with the poor, the sick, and people most in need.