by Maryknoll Society | Jun 1, 2012 | Prayers
Service and Generosity
God, grant me the generosity Of Spirit.
Let me not think solely of myself today, but m
make the effort and take the time to touch another’s life.
Let me reach out to perform at least one kind act, to smile, to listen, to embrace.
Grant that I may live this day spreading joy among my brothers and sisters
In Christ, in the fulfillment of the Gospel’s command to love one another
by Maryknoll Society | May 25, 2012 | Prayers
A Prayer for a Mission Heart
Lord, serving you is my greatest joy.
Help me to become as compassionate and caring as Jesus was.
Help me share your love for the sick and the poor with kind words and acts of charity.
Help me to live your Gospel, especially among those who are separated from you, or don’t know you at all.
Walk beside me now and always.
I promise to do your Will always until the day I am home with you and all the Saints of heaven.
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