by Dionel Rodriguez | Feb 22, 2023
This project works in collaboration with a congregation of religious sisters, Hermanas Misioneras de Cristo Sediento, to sell alpaca wool and some artisanal alpaca crafts. The Sisters spin alpaca wool into 200 yard skeins for sale. The crafts will be a few hand-made sweaters, scarves, shawls and blankets. The proceeds will support the ministries of the religious Sisters to the local population.
“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and will be repaid in full”
Proverbs 19:17
by Dionel Rodriguez | Feb 22, 2023
Support Education Major Seminarians
Fr. Dinh’s project is to assist the local church in training and formation necessary to continue our mission to support and strengthen local church. The majority people in the Diocese depend on agriculture and keeping of animals, leaving no available funds to help support the church and the studies of major seminarians.
The Catholic Diocese of Shinyanga was formed and cultivated by Maryknoll since 1950. Today the seeds that have been planted by Maryknoll have blossomed with 67 major seminarians (2021-2022) and 82 for this year (2022-2023). With your help, Fr. Dinh hopes to continue the education of these young men.
“We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28
by Dionel Rodriguez | Feb 22, 2023
Vocation, Care of Creation, Social Justice Program
Care of Creation – to support and implement Maryknoll’s mission education outreach to care, protect, educate, advocate for the Care of Creation. With the rising awareness of Corporate Social Responsibility, many international corporations have published supplier policy standards, CSR reports, vulnerable worker policies, as well as declarations against modern slavery. While these policies aim to protect the rights of migrant workers and the communities, sometimes supplier factories hide these abuses and violations. The goal of this project is to eradicate human rights and environmental abuses in global supply chains and have a sustainable world that is equitable for all workers and communities by connecting migrant workers voices to those with the power to make change.
“For in him were created all things in heaven and on earth, the visible and the invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers; all things were created through him and for him” Colossians 1:16
by Dionel Rodriguez | Jul 30, 2020
Scholarship and Vocation Training for Underprivileged Youth
Fr. John W. Waldrep, M.M.
Unemployment and underemployment are extremely high among the youth of Tanzania. This is a program designed to provide academic scholarships and vocational/professional scholarships to students who would be unable to pursue studies or training without them.
You can help provide academic scholarships and vocational/professional scholarships to students would be unable to pursue their studies or training without your assistance.
“Train the young in the way they should go; even when old, they will not swerve from it.”
Proverbs 22:6