by Dionel Rodriguez | Mar 5, 2025
St. Cecilia String Orchestra
Fr. Kurt J. Anderson, M.M.
Music is a wonderful connector for human beings and in Taiwan, Father Anderson has seen this come to life through this Apostolic Project that helps students become involved with the St. Cecilia String Orchestra. He notes that it is a uniting activity for the students, friends and their families as Christian and family values are promoted.
Your gift can build a love of music in children in the Taichung Diocese and connect families and friends through a thread of love and connection.
“Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy.”
Psalm 33:3
by Dionel Rodriguez | Feb 22, 2023
Vocation, Care of Creation, Social Justice Program
Care of Creation – to support and implement Maryknoll’s mission education outreach to care, protect, educate, advocate for the Care of Creation. With the rising awareness of Corporate Social Responsibility, many international corporations have published supplier policy standards, CSR reports, vulnerable worker policies, as well as declarations against modern slavery. While these policies aim to protect the rights of migrant workers and the communities, sometimes supplier factories hide these abuses and violations. The goal of this project is to eradicate human rights and environmental abuses in global supply chains and have a sustainable world that is equitable for all workers and communities by connecting migrant workers voices to those with the power to make change.
“For in him were created all things in heaven and on earth, the visible and the invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers; all things were created through him and for him” Colossians 1:16
by Dionel Rodriguez | Jun 11, 2020
Migrant Ministry to Foreign Migrant Workers and New Immigrants in Taiwan
Maryknoll Ministry to Foreign Migrant workers and New Immigrants in Taiwan is in the Diocese of Taichung and Archdiocese of Taipei. The two Ugnayan centers and shelters serve and welcome all foreign migrant workers in Taiwan and provide the following services:
- We reach out to the foreign migrant workers, the new immigrants, foreign spouses and their families.
- We rent buildings for church, activities, training centers and shelters for foreign migrant workers.
- We provide free educational training to help improve the job skills of the workers (electronic repairs, carpentry, dressmaking), basic Chinese language, leadership formation, lectures and seminars.
- We partner and network with other church groups and NGO’s in doing advocacy for migrant workers’ rights and government agencies for trainings.
With your help, Father Joyalito Tajonera, M.M., can support these migrant workers.