Food Assistance Program

Food Assistance Program

Food Assistance Program


Kenya, Africa

Missioner Responsible:

Fr. Lance P. Nadeau, M.M. and Fr. John W. Waldrep, M.M.

There is tremendous food insecurity in Kenya with more than two million Kenyans considered to be experiencing either a food crisis or a food emergency. This dire state of affairs is prevalent in both rural and urban settings and continues to be exacerbated by certain factors including below-average crop harvests, weaker crop sales for families, lower wages for casual labor and food inflation of about 7%.

Over the last year, Father Waldrep has been able to help people affected by food insecurity in five different counties in Kenya and hopes to do so again this year. In three of these counties, the people that Father Waldrep helped are food stressed and eating minimally adequate diets but must make significant changes to their lifestyles to support non-food needs. In two of the counties helped by Father Waldrep, some people are in a food crisis and acute malnutrition affects 10-15% of the population.

While some families are simply not eating enough food, others are adopting non-sustainable coping mechanisms such as selling assets to eat. In the county where many people are classified as being in a food emergency, the risk of hunger-related death is rapidly increasing.

Father Waldrep wants to continue to help as many of these Kenyans as possible receive adequate food and nutrition and your gift can help to make this happen.

“For he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.”

Psalm 107:9

St. John the Evangelist-Lobur Dispensary

St. John the Evangelist-Lobur Dispensary

St. John the Evangelist-Lobur Dispensary


Kenya, Africa

Missioner Responsible:

Fr. Lance P. Nadeau, M.M. and Fr. John W. Waldrep, M.M.

This Apostolic Project supports a medical outreach program to the pastoralist, semi-nomadic Turkana people who live on the borders of Kenya, South Sudan and Ethiopia. In addition to operating the Lobur Parish dispensary, the dispensary staff conducts 12 mobile clinics each month in various areas of North Turkana.

Each year, the dispensary treats approximately 19,000 clients. Over the last six months alone, more than 600 children were immunized, more than 600 mothers were given postnatal care, prenatal care was given to nearly 500 mothers, child welfare care provided to more than 1,500 children, nutrition was improved for about 2,570 people among other services administered.

Your gift can help Maryknoll to continue to care for the health and the well-being of thousands of Turkana people in 2025.

“For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal, declares the Lord.”

Jeremiah 30:17

Helping Street Children in Tanzania

Helping Street Children in Tanzania

Helping Street Children in Tanzania


Tanzania, Africa

Missioner Responsible:

Bro. Loren W. Beaudry, M.M.

Upendo Daima means unconditional love in Swahili.

It is also the name of a program in Tanzania that helps children living in the streets to give them a second chance. This non-profit was founded by Sister Chimwemwe of the Missionary Sisters of St. Mary of Africa back in 1995 and it falls under the Archdiocese of Mwanza City in Northern Tanzania.

Upendo Daima’s main goal is to help vulnerable and homeless children living in the streets of Mwanza to have their basic needs met and to be reunified with their families. It has two parts and the first is to help children in Marimbe, Mwanza who cannot return to their families with shelter, food, clothing, medicine, schooling and counseling. The second part of the program is for children living on the streets who are invited to a rescue center in Pasiansi, Mwanza with a goal of returning those children to their families in about three months.

Maryknoll provides support to Upendo Diama for educational materials and counseling and your gift can help these vulnerable street children have a second chance at life.

“The Lord is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion.”

Psalm 116:5

Smallholder Poultry Project for Vulnerable Youth

Smallholder Poultry Project for Vulnerable Youth

Smallholder Poultry Project for Vulnerable Youth


Kenya, Africa

Missioner Responsible:

Fr. John W. Waldrep, M.M.

Orphans are a class of people for which Jesus would have had a lot of care.

Maryknoll extends this message of Love and Hope to orphans in Kenya, some of whom are HIV positive, and are dependent on older siblings or other relatives. In many cases, these older siblings are forced to drop out of school to take care of their younger sibling(s) and in most cases, this proves to be an overwhelming task without outside support.

This Apostolic Project addresses this need for support in two phases and has been an overwhelming success so far. First, these children and their siblings and relatives are taught about economic empowerment for sustainable food production. This happens through thorough training in smallholder poultry farming plus the gift of ten improved chickens and one rooster. Second, psychosocial support is provided to the children to help them handle everything they have been through.

Your gift can teach these vulnerable youth to become self-supporting while sharing the love and compassion of the Catholic Church.

“Shout for joy, you heavens; rejoice, you earth; burst into song, you mountains! For the Lord comforts his people and will have compassion on his afflicted ones.”

Isaiah 49:13

St. Cecilia String Orchestra

St. Cecilia String Orchestra

St. Cecilia String Orchestra


Taiwan, Asia

Missioner Responsible:

Fr. Kurt J. Anderson, M.M.

Music is a wonderful connector for human beings and in Taiwan, Father Anderson has seen this come to life through this Apostolic Project that helps students become involved with the St. Cecilia String Orchestra. He notes that it is a uniting activity for the students, friends and their families as Christian and family values are promoted.

Your gift can build a love of music in children in the Taichung Diocese and connect families and friends through a thread of love and connection.

“Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy.”

Psalm 33:3

Parish Holistic Healing Project

Parish Holistic Healing Project

Parish Holistic Healing Project


Brazil, Latin America

Missioner Responsible:

Fr. Dennis Moorman, M.M.

This Apostolic Project is a holistic healing program for the parish of Nossa Senhora Mãe e Rainha located on the northwestern periphery of São Paulo. Its goal is to help subsidize holistic health care for people who are of a low-income level and who could not otherwise afford these types of treatments.

Envisioned by Father Moorman, this project will support psychological counseling, group therapy and acupuncture treatments. Participants will be asked to contribute toward their healing if possible.

Given that most of these low-income people in the parish are stretching to meet their most basic needs, your gift can help some of them experience the compassion and healing of the Catholic Church.

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”

Psalm 147:3

HIV/AIDS Project

HIV/AIDS Project

HIV/AIDS Project


Brazil, Latin America

Missioner Responsible:

Fr. Dennis Moorman, M.M.

A true sign of Catholic charism is to embrace and help some of the most excluded populations to heal and become part of the larger community. This is certainly true for those living with HIV or AIDS in or around São Paulo, Brazil.

Father Moorman wants to provide partial support to an ongoing HIV/AIDS Project founded by an Irish Missionary Sister back in 1996. The purpose of the program is to help people who are living with HIV or AIDS in a variety of ways including home visits, therapy and education and to work with the community to prevent the spread of the virus.

Your gift can help some of the downtrodden in Brazil to feel more a part of their community in the Love and Hope of Jesus Christ.

“God keeps his promises and provides healing when we face sicknesses.”

Isaiah 53:5

Widows, Single Mothers and Their Children

Widows, Single Mothers and Their Children

Widows, Single Mothers and Their Children


Kenya, Africa

Missioner Responsible:

Fr. Hung M. Dinh, M.M.

This Apostolic Project supports women who have lost their husbands, have children and have been abandoned by their families and relatives. These women receive assistance with food, housing and healthcare.

Father Dinh also provides them with skills training for the young single moms to give them a chance to help themselves and their families.

Your gift can create a virtuous cycle of improvement for widows, single moms and their children in Kenya.

“And he said, “I will make all my goodness pass before you and will proclaim before you my name ‘The Lord.’ And I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show mercy on whom I will show mercy.”

Exodus 33:19

Outpatient Clinical Service

Outpatient Clinical Service

Outpatient Clinical Service



Missioner Responsible:

Fr. Hung Dinh, M.M.

EDARP (Eastern Deanery) plans to open an inexpensive Outpatient Clinical Service. One of their core targeted patient groups is their own patients taking anti-retroviral drugs (ARV). Long-term taking of ARV’s cause side effects. At present, the Deanery has 28,537 patients receiving ARV. Out of this number 4,139, or 14.5%, have developed other illnesses because of the toxicity of the ARV. The primary illnesses are diabetes and hypertension. The number of people with these illnesses continues to increase. The clinic will also expand the HIV Positive women screening for cervical cancer. Besides caring for their own HIV patients, this clinic will offer these services to the broader community which are poor or very low income. By providing quality and affordable outpatient services, the clinic reflects the Eastern Deanery’s commitment to providing holistic and accessible healthcare solutions, by extending their reach, and continually evolving to meet the diverse needs of the communities they serve.

“And the king will say to them in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.”
– Matthew 25:40

Swahili Literature, Theological and Secular

Swahili Literature, Theological and Secular

Swahili Literature, Theological and Secular


Kenya, Africa

Missioner Responsible:

Fr. John Waldrep, M.M.

Although number of Swahili speakers varies widely (between 60 million and 150 million), its importance as the national language of Tanzania, and one of the two official languages of Kenya, would be difficult to overestimate. Nevertheless, the present state of Swahili literature is stagnant, if not in actual decline. The majority of theological works are translations from English, despite the efforts of rather well known writers such as Fr. Titus Amigu. Fr. John Waldrep wants to assist writers in Tanzania who want to publish in Swahili. With your gift, there will be a wider selection of books available to the Swahili-speaking reading community on theological and spiritual subjects.

“He came to Nazareth, where he had grown up, and went according to his custom into the synagogue on the Sabbath day. He stood up to read”
– Luke 4:16


We are a Catholic Society of priests and brothers based in the United States. We are dedicated to missionary work overseas in over 20 countries. Additionally, we animate Catholics in the United States to follow their own baptismal call to share God’s compassion and love with the poor, the sick, and all those in need.


L-R Tom O'Brien, Ray Finch, Joe Everson, Russ Feldmeier

(Fr. Lance P. Nadeau, Fr. James M. Lynch, Fr. Timothy O. Kilkelly, Fr. Juan Montes Zúñiga)

The Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers is overseen by our General Council, led by Superior General Rev. Lance P. Nadeau, M.M.


L-R Tom O'Brien, Ray Finch, Joe Everson, Russ Feldmeier

(Our Co-Founders Father Price and Father Walsh)





(Africa) Education and Formation of African Clergy

The Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers Africa Region will provide tuition assistance to African clergy, male and female religious at institutes of higher education or specialized training. Read More

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