Construction of Triunfo Chapel
Guatemala, Latin American
Missioner Responsible:
Father William L. Senger, M.M.
The community of El Triunfo de la Esperanza (The Triumph of Hope and Triunfo for short) has had an exceedingly difficult history. It involves their displacement by the Guatemalan government through the force of the army to a ranch the government bought where each family was given a small plot of land to live on and another plot to farm.
The Catholic Church along with five Protestant denominations received land gratis from the government and Maryknoll built a very simple and small chapel with a dirt floor using those funds.
Now Father Sentry wants to build a more permanent chapel to serve the small Catholic community in Triunfo and your gift can help to make this happen.
“And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”
Matthew 16:18