by Dionel Rodriguez | Feb 14, 2024
Construction of Nursery and Primary School in Ikinu Village
Aside from it being unsafe to walk alone, the public school is not within walking distance for the children so the Sisters began the school with the plan to respond to the need of the poor and working class people that can’t afford to send their children to private school. The group of Collegine Sisters of the Holy Family in Ikinu, Kiambu, Nairobi – Kenya, are building a Nursery and Primary School in a poor village north of Nairobi. The original school was built in 2019 with the nursery and primary school. There are three classrooms that were built with timber and no longer large enough for about a hundred children. During the meals, they sit outside under trees, with no tables or chairs. During the rainy season, these children must gather inside the church building during the lunch time. The Sisters are requesting funding for construction of the six classrooms, two offices, two dining rooms, one kitchen, 250 tables and 500 chairs. Aside from it being unsafe to walk alone, the public school is not within walking distance for the children so the Sisters began the school with the plan to respond to the need of the poor and working class people that can’t afford to send their children to private school.
“but Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
– Matthew 19:14
by Dionel Rodriguez | Feb 14, 2024
Fr. Ed Schoellmann plans to complete the construction of five outstations in Bukundi parish in Tanzania. Fr. John Eybel began the renovation of six (6) buildings at the Makoko Language School compound. These buildings, constructed by Maryknollers beginning in 1968, had been underused or idle for a number of years and nearly complete in the renovation of a pastoral formation center there. The asbestos roof and the small rooms of the main building, and the deterioration of three residences and two large store and office facilities required work in order to make them useful. Your gift will help complete the transformation of a 50 year old Maryknoll building into a pastoral formation center.
“And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church,* and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it.”
– Matthew 16:18
by Dionel Rodriguez | Feb 14, 2024
Ministry to the Elderly, the Infirm and Faith Formation
Fr. John’s project is two-fold. Ministry to the elderly and infirm by participation in outreach at Bugando Hospital or other Hospitals in Mwanza. He plans to provide pastoral accompaniment, as well as develop a pastoral outreach to individuals with special needs in the parish. And, most importantly, by giving regular and individualized attention to the elderly and infirm of the parish.
The second part of this project is mission formation. Fr. John will conduct intra-parish, inter-parish, and intra-diocese mission immersion exchanges/trips that attend to human and ecological concerns in Mabatini and in the vicinity of the parish, mission immersion exercises with parish youth and/or school-going youths and baptized adults in the parish, and finally, thematic retreats for specific parish groupings, for example, the youth, members of the Sacred Heart, men, women, and the charismatic group.
You gift will help to strengthen a sense of responsibility in responding to our baptismal call to serve God through service to neighbor.
“Even to your old age I am he, even when your hair is gray I will carry you; I have done this, and I will lift you up, I will carry you to safety.”
– Isaiah 46:4
by Dionel Rodriguez | Feb 14, 2024
There is increased need of involvement of the lay people in evangelization. Catechists have proved to be very useful and able to evangelize. However, there is need for them to acquire formal training on how to catechize effectively through formal training. With your support, Fr. Hung Dinh’s project will be a success after the catechists complete their training, and begin to teach and serve the people of God.
“Train the young in the way they should go; even when old, they will not swerve from it.”
– Proverbs 22:6
by Dionel Rodriguez | Feb 14, 2024
Training of Catechists in Bukundi, Tanzania
There is increased need of involvement of the lay people in evangelization. Catechists have proved to be very useful and able to evangelize. However, there is need for them to acquire formal training on how to catechize effectively. Fr. Ed Schoellmann plans to provide the training necessary to provide a solid foundation of knowledge of the faith they teach. Your gift will enable the growth and response of the Catechist himself by the spirituality exhibited by the community he serves.
“One who is being instructed in the word should share all good things with his instructor.”
– Galatians 6:6
by Maryknoll Society | Mar 30, 2023
Ongoing Education for African Clergy & Religious
The Africa Region will provide tuition assistance to Africa clergy and male and female religious at institutes of higher education or specialized training, as well as ongoing support for one seminary of an African missionary order. The studies will usually take place at colleges and universities that are located in Africa. It will be of great benefit to the Church in Africa to assist its future leaders to receive some advanced education or specialized training.
Your generosity will be of great benefit to the Church in Africa to assist its future leaders to receive advanced education.
“And what you heard from me through many witnesses entrust to faithful people who will have the ability to teach others as well.”
2 Timothy 2:2
by Maryknoll Society | Mar 30, 2023
Bro. Beaudry ministers to people suffering from mental illness. These are people who are outcast in society, and many do not have a family. Bro. Loren’s aim is to be with these people and show them love and concern by spending time with each patient as well as gathering the community to play bingo and sing songs together. These people also need a better diet so they are given fruits, vegetables and rice along with an educational program on healthy living. This project also provides for outings so they will have a chance to enjoy life outside the camp.
Pastoral Ministry also includes the Youth at Mabatini parish. This will help sponsor youth with workshops, seminars and sports events and ministering to Senior Citizens in Mabatini with educational seminars, outings and weekly bingo games.
“For those who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God.”
Romans 8:14
by Dionel Rodriguez | Feb 22, 2023
Single Mothers & Girls Housing Project
This project will help with housing for single mothers and abandoned adolescent women at the St. Clare Health Facility, Molo, Kenya, providing shelter for these impoverished women. Funding will support the construction of a small house with two large rooms which will serve as dormitories, a kitchen, and lavatory.
“She reaches out her hands to the poor, and extends her arms to the needy.”
Proverbs 31:20
by Dionel Rodriguez | Feb 22, 2023
This project works in collaboration with a congregation of religious sisters, Hermanas Misioneras de Cristo Sediento, to sell alpaca wool and some artisanal alpaca crafts. The Sisters spin alpaca wool into 200 yard skeins for sale. The crafts will be a few hand-made sweaters, scarves, shawls and blankets. The proceeds will support the ministries of the religious Sisters to the local population.
“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and will be repaid in full”
Proverbs 19:17
by Dionel Rodriguez | Feb 22, 2023
Support Education Major Seminarians
Fr. Dinh’s project is to assist the local church in training and formation necessary to continue our mission to support and strengthen local church. The majority people in the Diocese depend on agriculture and keeping of animals, leaving no available funds to help support the church and the studies of major seminarians.
The Catholic Diocese of Shinyanga was formed and cultivated by Maryknoll since 1950. Today the seeds that have been planted by Maryknoll have blossomed with 67 major seminarians (2021-2022) and 82 for this year (2022-2023). With your help, Fr. Dinh hopes to continue the education of these young men.
“We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28