Pentecost at Tepeyac? Pneumatologies from the People, with Orlando Espin

Pentecost at Tepeyac? Pneumatologies from the People, with Orlando Espin

In Pentecost at Tepeyac? Orlando Espin develops a Latinx pneumatology, or theology of the Holy Spirit, by exploring the image and enduring popular devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe.

He argues that all symbols are cultural creations, and furthermore, the Spirit being divine is beyond all cultures. Therefore, no one symbol–whether dove, flame, breath, or any other—can be the only symbol possible. The feminine too can culturally symbolize the divine.

To experience and express their faith in God non-European cultures can and must culturally symbolize the divine, in their respective ways.

By focusing on the empowering action of the Spirit among the indigent and marginalized majority of humankind and their cultures, Espín provides a clear and compelling vision of the Holy Spirit’s subversive, empowering role in human history, societies and cultures.

In Pentecost at Tepeyac?

06:18 Guadalupe symbol as female expression of faith.
07:52 Reflecting on Guadalupe, Mary, and the Holy Spirit.
11:02 Questioning the use of masculine language for God.
16:00 Guadalupe’s historical timeline and peoples’ devotion.
18:18 Our representations of God are not truth.
23:42 Jesus killed for supporting the poor. Not divine.
27:17 Elizondo questions Guadalupe’s miracle and its significance.
30:02 Latino family with strong Catholic commitment and marginalized.

Orlando O. Espín is professor emeritus of systematic theology, University of San Diego, where he also served as director of the Center for the Study of Latino/a Catholicism. A founder of the Academy of Hispanic Catholic Theologians of the U.S (ACTHUS) he is the winner of the John Courtney Murray Award from the Catholic Theological Society of America. His many books include Idol & Grace, The Faith of the People, and Grace and Humanness (all Orbis).

Come, Have Breakfast: Meditations on God and the Earth, with Elizabeth A. Johnson

Come, Have Breakfast: Meditations on God and the Earth, with Elizabeth A. Johnson

In this One On One Interview, Robert Ellsberg and Elizabeth A. Johnson, discuss her new book
“Come, Have Breakfast: Meditations on God and the Earth” .

“‘Come, have breakfast’ (Jn 21:12) These three simple words followed by generous action open a portal into an ecological image of the living God who is active with cordial hospitality toward all creatures, nurturing their lives, desiring that all should be fed.”

Come, Have Breakfast: Meditations on God and the Earth

Addresses contemporary socioeconomic concerns from a biblical and mission-based perspective. Offers a tool (a social justice inventory) for evaluating ourselves in light of a biblical theology of wealth and poverty.

In her latest work, prize-winning theologian Elizabeth Johnson views planet Earth, its beauty and threatened state, through the lens of scripture. Each luminous meditation offers a snapshot of one aspect of the holy mystery who creates, indwells, redeems, vivifies, and sanctifies the whole world. Together, they offer a panoramic view of the living God who loves the earth, accompanies all its creatures in their living and their dying, and moves us to care for our uncommon common home.

Christ Among The Classes: The Rich, the Poor, and the Mission of the Church, with Al Tizon

Christ Among The Classes: The Rich, the Poor, and the Mission of the Church, with Al Tizon

Christ Among the Classes: The Rich, the Poor, and the Mission of the Church

Addresses contemporary socioeconomic concerns from a biblical and mission-based perspective. Offers a tool (a social justice inventory) for evaluating ourselves in light of a biblical theology of wealth and poverty.

Al Tizon holds a PhD in missiology from the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, CA. He is affiliate professor of missional and global leadership at North Park Theological Seminary, Chicago, and lead pastor of Grace Fellowship Community Church in San Francisco, where he and his wife reside. He has been engaged in community development, church leadership, advocacy, and urban ministry both in the Philippines and the United States. His books include Whole & Reconciled: Gospel, Church, and Mission in a Fractured World.

Church as Sanctuary: Reconstructing Refuge in an Age of Forced Displacement, with Leo Guardado

Church as Sanctuary: Reconstructing Refuge in an Age of Forced Displacement, with Leo Guardado

Church as Sanctuary: Reconstructing Refuge in an Age of Forced Displacement

No study has yet examined the tradition of sanctuary as the starting point for rethinking the church in an age of global displacement. Church as Sanctuary, argues that if church sanctuary is going to be legible as a pillar of ecclesial existence in modernity, then we need a theology of sanctuary that reconstitutes this rich tradition anew, placing it at the service of a displaced world. By its very nature, church sanctuary is and has always served as a creative ecclesial and sacramental response to persons whose life is threatened by generalized or state violence, and in our contemporary society the church’s rejection of its own tradition places at risk other forms of sanctuary that exist in symbolic relation to the church’s historical practice.

Leo Guardado is assistant professor, the department of theology, Fordham University. The Salvadoran Civil War forced Guardado and his mother to migrate to Los Angeles, CA, where he grew up from the age of nine.

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The Gospel of Peace: A Commentary on Matthew, Mark, and Luke from the Perspective of Nonviolence, with John Dear

The Gospel of Peace: A Commentary on Matthew, Mark, and Luke from the Perspective of Nonviolence, with John Dear

Orbis Publisher, Robert Ellsberg, discusses “Wade in the Water: The Wisdom of the Spirituals – Revised Edition” with author Arthur C. Jones in this One On One Interview.

Wade in the Water celebrates the spirituals both as art form and as unique and powerful cultural expression. Exploring the African roots of the spirituals, Jones explores the way the songs conceal a language of freedom and resistance, and the way that their spiritual consolation reinforces community solidarity. First published in 1993, this new edition traces the rediscovery and transmission of this tradition and its meaning for a new generation and new challenges.

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Wade in the Water: The Wisdom of the Spirituals, with Arthur Jones

Wade in the Water: The Wisdom of the Spirituals, with Arthur Jones

Orbis Publisher, Robert Ellsberg, discusses “Wade in the Water: The Wisdom of the Spirituals – Revised Edition” with author Arthur C. Jones in this One On One Interview.

Wade in the Water celebrates the spirituals both as art form and as unique and powerful cultural expression. Exploring the African roots of the spirituals, Jones explores the way the songs conceal a language of freedom and resistance, and the way that their spiritual consolation reinforces community solidarity. First published in 1993, this new edition traces the rediscovery and transmission of this tradition and its meaning for a new generation and new challenges.

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The Not-Yet God: The Not-Yet God: Carl Jung, Teilhard de Chardin, and the Relational Whole, Ilia Delio

The Not-Yet God: The Not-Yet God: Carl Jung, Teilhard de Chardin, and the Relational Whole, Ilia Delio

Orbis Publisher, Robert Ellsberg, discusses “The Not-Yet God: The Not-Yet God: Carl Jung, Teilhard de Chardin, and the Relational Whole” with author Ilia Delio in this One On One Interview.

We are a species between axial periods. Thus, our religious myths are struggling to find new connections in a global, ecological order. Delio proposes the new myth of relational holism; that is, the search for a new connection to divinity in an age of quantum physics, evolution, and pluralism. The idea of relational holism is one that is rooted in the God-world relationship, beginning with the Book of Genesis, but finds its real meaning in quantum physics and the renewed relationship between mind and matter.

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Engaging Thomas Merton: Spirituality, Justice, and Racism, with Daniel Horan

Engaging Thomas Merton: Spirituality, Justice, and Racism, with Daniel Horan

Join us in conversaton with Orbis Author, Daniel Horan. He and Robert disucss his his new book, Engaging Thomas Merton: Spirituality, Justice, and Racism which is based on contemporary engagements with the work and legacy of Thomas Merton that highlight the enduring relevance of his thought in addressing the pressing concerns of our time.

Daniel P. Horan, OFM, is professor of philosophy, religious studies, and theology and director of the Center for the Study of Spirituality at Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame, IN. He is also affiliated professor of spirituality at the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, TX. A columnist for National Catholic Reporter, he is author of fourteen books including Catholicity and Emerging Personhood: A Contemporary Theological Anthropology.

The Ethics of Doing Nothing, with Andrew Blosser

The Ethics of Doing Nothing, with Andrew Blosser

Orbis Publisher, Robert Ellsberg, discusses “The Ethics of Doing Nothing” with author Andrew Blosser in this One On One Interview.

This book explores the theological and moral significance of practices once familiar to many Christians and Jews, such as Sabbath, vigil-keeping, Shmita (the sabbatical year for the land), and fiesta in relation to the twenty-first century economy. Blosser draws primarily on the Christian theologian, Jurgen Moltmann, and the prominent rabbi and religious thinker, Abraham Joshua Heschel in making the argument that humanity’s obsession with material production has led to three interrelated evils: the exploitation of workers, status anxiety among the middle and upper-classes, and climate change. Blosser’s proposed solution includes returning to “rituals of inoperativity” that will help us “change our understanding of what it means to be human.”

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The Gospel according to James Baldwin with Greg Garrett

The Gospel according to James Baldwin with Greg Garrett

Orbis Publisher, Robert Ellsberg, discusses “The Gospel according to James Baldwin:What America’s Great Prophet Can Teach Us about Life, Love, and Identity” with author Greg Garrett in this One On One Interview.

Baldwin’s writing offers critiques of religion, culture, and discrimination, and in the witness of his life he holds up hope and the primacy of love despite all the difficulties of the present moment. In this passionate introduction, Garrett presents the life and work of Baldwin in all his writing genres, on themes of equity, justice, and reconciliation.

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We are a Catholic Society of priests and brothers based in the United States. We are dedicated to missionary work overseas in over 20 countries. Additionally, we animate Catholics in the United States to follow their own baptismal call to share God’s compassion and love with the poor, the sick, and all those in need.


L-R Tom O'Brien, Ray Finch, Joe Everson, Russ Feldmeier

(Fr. Lance P. Nadeau, Fr. James M. Lynch, Fr. Timothy O. Kilkelly, Fr. Juan Montes Zúñiga)

The Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers is overseen by our General Council, led by Superior General Rev. Lance P. Nadeau, M.M.


L-R Tom O'Brien, Ray Finch, Joe Everson, Russ Feldmeier

(Our Co-Founders Father Price and Father Walsh)





(Africa) Education and Formation of African Clergy

The Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers Africa Region will provide tuition assistance to African clergy, male and female religious at institutes of higher education or specialized training. Read More

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