“All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for refutation, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that one who belongs to God may be competent, equipped for every good work.”
– Second Epistle to Timothy, chapter 3, verses 16 through 17’
Dear friend,
When was the last time you updated your résumé?
I’m kidding, of course, but not by much. The most important title any of us can have is “Compassionate Missioner,” although I imagine that’s not how you usually talk about yourself! As we begin our third week of the Church’s Extraordinary Month of Mission, I invite you to think about how you can grow as a compassionate missioner, and build up our Church along the way.
Our Holy Father Pope Francis calls this a commitment to missionary formation: the process of preparing ourselves to go out into the world as disciples of the Gospel. Spending a little more time studying scripture and celebrating our sacraments and liturgies are all good ways to do that. Then let’s not forget about those who came before us: the martyrs and saints, and the role models in our own family and parishes who gave us an early appreciation for our faith. Recalling their devotion is a good way to strengthen our mission spirit.
In the end, we are known by our good works… visiting the sick, feeding the hungry, and caring for the most vulnerable. Each time we express our faith this way, we are not just growing stronger as compassionate missioners. We are modeling mission for the rest of the world. May your light shine bright this week… next week… and always.
P.S.: Today is Mission Sunday, a reminder that you are God’s presence in the world. We are all called to salvation in Christ. Go forth and celebrate!
Next week’s mission lesson: Always practice charity.
Prayer for 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Deeply rooted in Christ Jesus,
help me, God, to draw strength,
nourishment and courage
from the wellspring of Divine Mercy
that the love of the Lord may infuse
every fiber of my being
and fill my soul to overflowing
so every word I speak
or action I take may redound
to Your glory.
Through Your spirit in me, Lord,
help me bear fruit that lasts:
kindness, gentleness, forgiveness,
compassion, and justice.
Let Your peace flow out from me
with the fragrance of flowers
to draw all people to You.
Let me never tire, Lord,
of doing good, helping others, and
praising You for Your blessings.
You are the vine; I the branch
may I never be separated from You.
Prayer by Maryknoll Father, Joseph R. Veneroso
I hope today’s reflection has special meaning for you. This is Father Ray Finch, sending you a blessing for the week, and an invitation to listen in again next Sunday.