“Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” Mark 6:31
These are comforting words… Jesus urging his hardworking disciples, just back from teaching, to rest. We can take comfort from these words, too, because it’s safe to say we’re just as hardworking.
Today’s Gospel describes a tender moment when Jesus advises us, his modern-day disciples that we need to take good care of ourselves. Rest well, pray well. Then do the work of building God’s Kingdom.
Rest isn’t something we necessarily think about during the day, but even a few quiet moments between things—eyes closed—can recharge the soul. Moments of prayer are restorative, too. If you can’t say five decades of the Rosary, say two. If you are unable to attend Mass in person, attend Mass online. Or find the website of a homilist that you especially enjoy listening to. These are all good ways to rest the soul.
We know the benefits of solitude, but we can also rest in the company of one another even in pandemic times. Have you ever prayed with someone on the phone or done a meditation over Zoom? Blessings via text can work, too!
Friend, the point of resting and reflecting is to get in touch with what is happening around us. Are we fulfilling our role as missioners dedicated to building God’s Kingdom? A good way to find out is to pause in God’s care and rejoice in the possibilities.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Father Raymond J. Finch, M.M.
Prayer for 3rd Sunday
In You, O Lord of the Sabbath,
our souls find rest,
our bodies peace
and our minds, serenity.
You, Who bid Your disciples
come away, be with us also
when we seek silence and solitude.
Trusting in Your promise and providence,
we lay our plans and work aside
confident that every good work
begun in Your name will find
fulfillment according to Your Will.
Into Your most merciful hands, O Lord,
we place all our works, our hopes,
our dreams, and our plans.
Relying only on Your grace,
may we always seek first Your
kingdom of righteousness and peace.
You, Who calmed the storm and
stilled the wind and waves,
comfort and console us when life’s problems
overwhelm us or when enemies rise against us.
With You at our side, Lord Jesus,
our Rock, our Fortress, Our Deliverer,
we will not falter when facing our foes.
And when the battles of earthly life end
welcome us into Your loving embrace
where with all the saints we will forever
enjoy lasting peace in Your presence.
Prayer by, Father Joseph Veneroso M.M.