In my letter for the 2014 Annual Impact Report, I reported that the new leadership resulting from the XIII General Chapter of the Maryknoll Society was tasked with continuing to engage dioceses around the country as we support the U.S. Church in its work to foster communities of missionary disciples, as well as ensuring that we continue to build the future of the Maryknoll Society.

Over the past six years, we celebrated the anniversaries of our China Education and Formators Project and the centennial of our first Maryknoll Mission Sending. In addition to looking back on these impressive milestones, we have also looked forward. We have extended our outreach by developing fresh and innovative ways of reaching our mission animation goals through short-term and immersion trips both abroad and within the U.S. We are engaging youth through the Discover Your Neighbor school programs in both English and Spanish. The Vocations program is in touch with 238 men at the initial inquiry state, 26 of whom are showing greater interest. This is a direct result of expanding our use of social media. We are also reaching the local community by opening our doors, most recently in response to Pope Francis’ call for celebration of Extraordinary Month of Mission.

For over 100 years, Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers has always been about “extraordinary mission” both home and abroad. The continued financial and spiritual support of all our partners in mission has allowed Maryknoll to keep mission alive, by proclaiming the Gospel across all borders, serving the poor and celebrating our work with them and with everyone within the Catholic Church. It has been the honor and pleasure of this General Council to serve Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers, and we look forward to the new opportunities and challenges in mission as we pass the torch of leadership on to a new General Council. May we all continue to grow as Missionary Disciples, sharing the Gospel and living our Catholic faith, even to the ends of the world.




Radio Cantareira/Brazil


Three classrooms Mutamaiyo Peace Primary School/Kenya


Ecology and Religion/United States


Deaf Hostel Project/Cambodia


Maryknoll Vocational Training & Livelihood Program in Taichung/Taiwan


“Hogar de Vida” AIDS Shelter for Women and Children/Peru


Relief & Education for Burmese Refugees/Thailand


Children’s Program/Tanzania


The Formation House also includes the Maryknoll Sisters. Included in the photo above is Sister Shu Chen Wu, M.M., formation director for the Maryknoll Sisters. (Maryknoll Mission Archives)

“The mission of the Christian in the world is a mission for all, a mission of service, which excludes no-one; it requires great generosity and in particular the gaze and heart turned heavenward to invoke the Lord’s help. There is so much need for Christians who bear witness to the Gospel with joy in everyday life. The disciples, sent by Jesus, ‘returned with joy’. When we do this, our heart fills with joy.” Pope Francis (July 3, 2016)

Our beloved Francis is a missionary pope. He understands the heart of Maryknoll. For 101 years, we have served God’s mission in countries throughout Africa, Asia and Latin America. Pope Francis characterizes this mission as one of joy – something that echoes true for us, as our hearts have indeed been filled with joy through the sharing of our lives, our faith, our hope and our love for God through the many experiences and friendships established with the people we have gone to serve.

We seek out and welcome men here in the United States and from countries where we serve who are willing to answer the call to be priests and brothers. This year we welcomed four young men who wish to become priests and another wishing to become a brother. We also ordained a new priest and welcomed the lifetime oath of a new brother. With 14 men in our formation program at this time, and perhaps six more joining us in 2020, we are excited as young men continue to answer the call expressed so eloquently by our Holy Father.

For 50 years now, Maryknoll has welcomed priests and brothers from here in the U.S. to join us for three-to-five years as associates. They have totaled 120, with three serving with us today.

By our very baptism, each of us is called to participate in God’s mission. So today, we also welcome those who wish to serve as short-term volunteers and/or join us for short, group immersion trips. Each year, more than 100 men and women from the United States participate with us in this capacity. Welcoming people to join Maryknoll in serving God’s mission throughout the world is a ministry that engages us all, even you our cherished sponsors. We are so grateful for your prayers and support. There may be future Maryknoll priests and brothers in your family and parish awaiting your encouragement. Let us place ourselves in union with Pope Francis who also tells us over and over again, “To be Christian is to be missionary.”


The Formation House also includes the Maryknoll Sisters. Included in the photo above is Sister Shu Chen Wu, M.M., formation director for the Maryknoll Sisters. (Maryknoll Mission Archives)

In the U.S., Maryknoll’s Missionary Discipleship Formation Program is for front-line parish, campus and diocesan ministers and others interested in integrating global solidarity and mission into their spirituality, ministry and programs. Drawing on our global experiences, we specialize in formation for catechists, teachers, deacons and parish leaders.

The Basic and Intermediate Programs each provide five hours of missionary discipleship formation based on Pope Francis’ Joy of the Gospel / Evangelii Gaudium. The program is offered periodically at our Maryknoll mission centers in Seattle, San Francisco, Chicago, Houston and New York.

Utilizing the Pastoral Circle methodology of See-Judge-Act, the interactive program integrates Scripture and Church teaching to help participants:

  • See how their story is woven into God’s mission of love
  • Discern a roadmap for encountering God through encounter at the peripheries
  • Go forth boldly, rooted in a global perspective, with skills and resources to live, lead, and serve with abundant joy.

The completion of our Missionary Discipleship Formation weekend in Putnam, CT. (Courtesy of Deacon Kevin McCarthy).

Participants at one of Maryknoll’s Missionary Discipleship Formation Programs. (Courtesy of Maryknoll’s Catholic Education Department)



UGANDA: 2018

Father John Barth, M.M. with refugees at the Palabek refugee settlement. (Sean Sprague/Uganda)

(L to R) Seminarian Charles Ogony, M.M., Seminarian Joshua Mutende, M.M., Father. John Waldrep, M.M., Seminarian John Siyumbu, M.M. and Patrick Okok. (Maryknoll Mission Archives)

2019 was a year of loss for Maryknoll in Africa. First, given that there was really no Maryknoller to assume the directorship, we had to turn MIAS (Maryknoll Institute of African Studies) over to Tangaza College. Unfortunately, the turnover wasn’t as collegial as it might have been; in fact, it wasn’t a turnover at all, but rather something on the order of a death and rebirth. The heart of the MIAS program was the field work, through which the participants—even Africans—could come to a more personal and experiential appreciation for African culture in a way that simply would not be possible in a classroom.

Also, with Fr. Edward Hayes’ return to the U.S., Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers no longer has a presence in Musoma, our first mission when we came to Tanganyika in 1946. For Maryknoll to no longer be present in Musoma means that something basic has changed.

Additionally, three former Maryknollers from the Motherland entered into their eternal rest in 2019: Fr. Edward Quinn, M.M., Bro. Victor Marshall, M.M., and Fr. Donald Doherty, M.M. Mwenyezi awaweke mahali pema peponi.

Another change is that for the first time, I believe, most of our members are in specialized rather than parish ministries. This means that we are slowly transitioning to a ministerial style that has not been our tradition in Maryknoll Africa.

We’ve had members in specialized ministries for a long time, but almost all of them—with a few exceptions—were people who would have begun doing parish ministry and branched out into something else. I think that gave us a rapport with and understanding of the people that just isn’t possible any other way.

All is not bleak, however. Indeed, there are also signs of great hope. Fr. Jonathan Hill, M.M. was assigned to the Region after ordination in June 2019. He has taken up his ministry with gusto. Our program of accompaniment with local prospects and candidates continues apace. I anxiously await the day when that will just be vocation ministry, unhyphenated. In 2019, Sem. Victor Mutobera, M.M. went to the U.S. to continue his formation. Sem. John Siyumbu, M.M. (our first “local candidate”) completed his OTP (Overseas Training Program) in the Latin America Region. Sems. Joshua Mutennde, M.M. and Charles Ogony, M.M. continue their OTP in Latin America. At present, aside from the local seminarians I’ve mentioned, we have one who is a medical doctor finishing up an internship in Mloganzila Hospital in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and another five in the Manyani Road House in Nairobi.


Alice Njoroge, managing director of the Eastern Deanery Community-Based Health Care and AIDS Relief Program, (left) observes the counting of medicine by a community health worker at the home of a beneficiary in Nairobi. (Sean Sprague/Kenya)

Father Richard Bauer, M.M. and a community health worker, left, check in on a woman and her family who are beneficiaries of the Eastern Deanery AIDS Relief Program. (Sean Sprague/Kenya)

When the Eastern Deanery AIDS Relief Program was started in 1993 by Maryknoll Fr. Edward Phillips, the staff could only accompany the dying and their families. Today, EDARP has a success rate that exceeds the rate in many major cities in the developed world, including New York. Yet it operates in one of Nairobi’s worst slums, Mathare, arguably one of the most desperate slums in the world.

Maryknoll Fr. Richard Bauer, who joined the EDARP team in 2017, says the program’s success is measured in its 80 percent compliance rate for HIV-positive people staying on antiretroviral medication. That success, says EDARP Managing Director Alice Njoroge, is because of the faith of most of EDARP’s more than 1,000 community health workers (CHWs) who make sure their HIV-positive neighbors take their medications consistently, are eating well and provide the critical social support to maintain treatment adherence.

Organized, trained and supported through the area’s small Christian communities connected with local Catholic parishes, the CHWs are part of EDARP’s faith-based mission of compassion, giving constant encouragement to their HIV-positive neighbors, including spiritual support for those who wish it.

The program offers adults and children basic AIDS care, as well as antiretroviral treatment. It focuses on prenatal care and prevention of a pregnant mother passing the disease to her unborn child, as well as on finding ways to decrease the transmission of AIDS among adults. Well-baby clinics identify infants at risk for HIV infection and provide immunizations for poor children who do not receive other basic immunization services.

Even though a cure for AIDS has yet to be found, people are living longer because of antiretroviral treatment. Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers’ work in this area helps families stay together. Children can grow up with their parents – not as orphans – and fewer parents agonize about leaving their precious children behind as they are dying.



CHINA: 1918
S. KOREA: 1923
JAPAN: 1933
TAIWAN: 1950
NEPAL: 1977

After baptism in the jungle, villagers accompany Father Vincent Cole, M.M. on the boat trip to his home in the village ASIA REGIONAL SUPERIOR of Er. (Joshua Irwandi/Indonesia)

Father Jim Kofski, M.M. comforting a young woman with cancer (left) in Hlaing Thayer in Yangon. (Sean Sprague/Myanmar)

Brickmakers at Godavari, Kathmandu Valley. (Sean Sprague/Nepal)

Nepalese villager Chinn Dorjee Lama who began a fungiculture business after taking a workshop on mushroom growing. (Sean Sprague/Nepal)

In September 1918, the first band of Maryknollers left the U.S. for the Far East to establish our first overseas mission in South China. Today, we are present in 11 countries, following in the footsteps of these pioneers. Our presence in Asia has diminished quite a bit in the last two years. Presently, we are 39 priests, two brothers and two associate priests—still the largest group of Maryknollers overseas. While religious tolerance is exercised in most countries, there are increasing challenges to religious freedom in a few places that affect our work. Nonetheless, our members are generally working well wherever they are found.

Our two Maryknoll brothers in Bangkok continue their personal outreach to those suffering from AIDS.

In North Korea, Fr. Gerard Hammond continues his ministry treating people afflicted with tuberculosis. The other Maryknollers in Korea serve in specialized ministries in Seoul, Incheon and Busan, working with local seminaries and formation houses.

Fr. Joseph Thaler assists the disabled and provides education and development works for women, as well as ongoing relief in the aftermath of the 2015 earthquake, in Nepal. Frs. Brian Barrons and Shaun Crumb continue their own special ministry in education in Jilin and Shenyang in China. Other Maryknoll priests are assigned to parishes. Fr. Peter Barry continues to offer his expertise to the Holy Spirit Centre in Hong Kong, and Fr. Bill LaRousse resides in Hong Kong as Assistant Secretary General to the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences.

In Japan, we serve parishes and schools in Sapporo, while others work among Vietnamese migrants in the Diocese of Nagoya.

Our Maryknollers in Taiwan are in the dioceses of Taipei, Taichung, and Kiayi in parish work or working with migrant workers from various Asian nations. Two missioners remain in the Philippines.

Our works in “Asia South” are more specialized, working in pastoral ministry and charitable outreach among the peoples of the diocese of Mymensingh. Fr. Bob McCahill continues his decades of witness ministry among people in the countryside of Bangladesh.

Fr. Vince Cole has served in the very difficult and remote area of Agats in Indonesia—the only Maryknoller there.

Two Maryknoll Priest Associates oversee a large group of social outreach programs in Cambodia, serving those who have been emotionally traumatized: the blind and deaf, and the poor and displaced.

The many pastoral, educational, social and spiritual ministries undertaken by us in the Asia Region are, in large part, aided by the prayers and support of our benefactors whose generosity continues to help us to respond to the challenges, needs and hopes of the places where we work.


Father Joseph Thaler, M.M. meets with a brickworker and her children at a daycare the missioner helped establish to care for and educate youngsters. (Sean Sprague/Nepal)

Maryknoll Fr. Joseph Thaler has served in Nepal for over 30 years and has come to know generations of families who have participated in his many different projects that provide income, health care and nutritional staples.

He accomplishes much of his work in conjunction with both governmental and non-governmental organizations. One such group is the Care and Development Organization (CDO), a non-profit organization dedicated to relieving the distress of people in Nepal living in extreme poverty. This impoverished nation continues to be plagued by both war and natural disasters.

After the Nepalese Civil War ended in 2006, thousands of people from small villages sought refuge in Nepal’s capital city of Kathmandu. These refugees became a common sight in the city. Many of these families depended on work in brick factories. The great earthquake of 2015 decimated most of these factories. The quake, subsequent avalanches and aftershocks killed more than 9,000 people and injured more than 23,000. Fr. Thaler monitored the distribution of emergency supplies and care for the people, directed missions of mercy throughout the central district of Nepal and spearheaded Maryknoll’s rebuilding process.

Together with CDO, Fr. Thaler continues to work to improve the lives of these desperately poor families. They provide medical care, health care and skills development, with particular emphasis on the welfare of women and children. Other programs in Nepal provide job training in vermiculture to make fertilizer, sewing, briquette making and mushroom cultivation to help families become self-sufficient. It is here that Fr. Thaler gives dignity, hope and a future to many of these families and children.



CHILE: 1943
PERU: 1943
BRAZIL: 1975

Father Dennis Moorman, M.M. and others carrying statue of St. Joseph during nighttime procession through the neighborhood, feast day of the patron, Saint Joseph, St. Joseph Parish, Perus, State of São Paulo, Brazil. (Nile Sprague/ Brazil)

Father Joe Fedora, M.M. (left) with a patient with HIV at Hogar San Camilo, Barrios Altos, Lima, Peru. (Nile Sprague/Peru)

In an exhortation to bishops, Pope Francis said, “I prefer a Church which is bruised, hurting and dirty because it has been out on the streets…”

From Santiago, Chile to Guatemala City; from Lima, Peru to São Paulo, Brazil, Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers in Latin America are a part of a bruised and hurting Church. Daily, they walk the dirty urban streets and dusty rural paths soothing the wounded and mending the broken hearted.

The wounds of the Latin American Church fester with ongoing political unrest in Chile, Bolivia, Venezuela and Nicaragua, the destruction of the Amazon rain forest in Bolivia, Peru and Brazil and the exodus of millions of refugees fleeing political oppression in Venezuela and Nicaragua, violence in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras and pervasive extreme poverty throughout the region.

Throughout the Region, Maryknollers are present. As Missionary Disciples of Jesus, we embrace men, women and children living with HIV and AIDS by advocating for their rights and providing them shelter, food, medical assistance and spiritual guidance. We accompany people deprived of their freedom, fleeing their homelands and broken by tragedy and trauma. We teach therapists how to heal minds and spirits wracked with pain. We enable the blind to soothe others through touch by providing them training and a livelihood as masseuses.

In parishes throughout the region, we preach – in words and good works – the Good News, celebrate the Lord’s supper, anoint the sick and invite those who have gone astray to return to a merciful God.

And in Cochabamba, Bolivia at our Mission Formation Center, we invite others, especially lay people throughout the region and around the world, to respond to their own missionary vocation. Also, in Cochabamba, we accompany five Maryknoll Seminarians participating in an Overseas Training Program, a crucial, if not a defining, phase of their missionary formation.

Our hands are dirty, but our hearts are full proclaiming and building God’s Kingdom in Latin America…one kind act at a time.


Ariane Castro holds her daughter Mariana, who had successful heart surgery at a hospital in Cochabamba, as did her sister Valeria, thanks to Puente de Solidaridad. (Nile Sprague/Bolivia)

Father Dae Kim, M.M., Solidarity Bridge health services, Cochabamba, Bolivia. (Nile Sprague/Bolivia)

Father Dae Kim, M.M. welcomes Roxana Mamani (left) and her baby Ailee , and Ariane Castro and her daughter Mariana at the office of Puente de Solidaridad. (Nile Sprague/Bolivia)

“Finding Solidarity Bridge has been a great blessing from God, you can’t imagine.” — ARIANE CASTRO, BOLIVIA

Nearly one-third of the world’s diseases stem from surgically treatable conditions. And, while many global health initiatives focus on primary and preventative care, approximately five billion people lack access to basic surgical services. The mission of U.S.-based Solidarity Bridge is to provide those services to poor people in Bolivia. In Bolivia, heart surgery and recovery at a reputable hospital would cost a minimum of $14,000. Most Bolivians would not be able to afford such costly care. Maryknoll Fr. Dae Kim works in the Heart Surgery program with Solidarity Bridge, which provides critical heart surgeries for infants and young children. Gifts from Maryknoll supporters fund these lifesaving operations. The goal of the program is to help at least two to four patients a year to receive this health care. Fr. Kim accompanies the patient and his or her family during the heart surgery and all through recovery, offering pastoral and spiritual guidance through the healing process.



And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation” (Mark 16:15-16)

Since his election in 2013, Pope Francis has encouraged the church to go out to the world. In “The Joy of the Gospel,” he reminded us that in our Baptism, we are called to be Missionary Disciples. We are called to share the Faith and Blessings that we have received with everyone that we encounter. On October 5, 2019, Maryknoll opened its doors to the community, welcoming them in to learn of Mission and share in fellowship with the priests and brothers, as well as all the other expressions of Maryknoll – Sisters, Lay Missioners and Affiliates. The day was one of stories of Mission, prayer and song, celebrating Pope Francis’ call for an Extraordinary Month of Mission.




Father Raymond Finch, M.M. saying Mass at the 2019 Jubilee. (D.Mastrogiulio/U.S.)

Father Daniel Kim, M.M. (left) and Father Joseph Veneroso, M.M. leading an online prayer service. (Maryknoll Mission Archives)

Some new mission work happens close to home. The Maryknollers from our huge classes of the 1940s and 1950s are now in their eighties and nineties and on their “final mission” here at Maryknoll headquarters. A number of our younger and healthier Maryknollers have been given the privilege, by our Superior General, of accompanying these men on their twilight journey. How can we claim to proclaim Christ’s Gospel to the world if we do not practice it among ourselves? Thus, an elder missionary does not feel he is going into his final days alone, but rather in the warm company of other Maryknollers to help him along.

Outside of headquarters, two of our Maryknoll priests are assigned to churches in El Paso. In these poor Mexican-American churches, along with all their sacramental duties, the Maryknollers answer many other needs in the communities. The border with Mexico is just a few miles away, so these missionaries are also called upon to pay priestly visits to migrants of all ages in detention centers. There are also Maryknoll Sisters and Lay Missioners who work in the El Paso Diocese, so it feels like a “Maryknoll Family” effort there.

As always, a number of our Maryknollers are dedicated to visiting schools and parishes throughout the United States to inspire all to become more involved with preaching Christ to the nations, especially to those in poor and difficult circumstances. Be sure to say hello to us if we are preaching a mission appeal at your parish, and let us know that you are part of our greater family.


El Paso/Juarez immersion trip participants climbed a hill in Cuidad Juarez with students from a study center to see the border with the US from above. The study center offers a safe, supportive place for these children to learn, play, and build community. (Courtesy of USMEA’s Church Engagement Division)

On immersion trip (l. ro r.) Chuck Peabody, Scott Wright and Gerry Lee talk with an immigrant and his daughter reunited at Annunciation House in El Paso, TX. (D. Kelly/U.S.)

Helena Niño de Guzman, a Wisconsin kindergarten teacher on mission immersion trip, plays with children at Loretto-Nazareth Migrant Center in El Paso, TX. (D. Kelly./U.S.)

As the procession of desperate people from Central America walked its way north through Mexico bound for the United States, the leadership of the four organizations that share the Maryknoll name—Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers, Maryknoll Sisters, Maryknoll Lay Missioners, and Maryknoll Affiliates— responded with compassion and dignity worthy of our nation. With each difficult step, the migrants fleeing for their lives asked the people of the United States to prepare, to open our arms and hearts, and to listen to the stories they have to tell—stories of violence, hunger and persecution, of pain, fear and hope.

As these vulnerable people approached, some with babies in their arms, many children themselves, we, as a community of Catholic men and women who have a long history in Central America and know their plight first hand, felt profoundly close to these sojourners. We recognized that this dense concentration of migrants sought to protect themselves from assault, exploitation, and theft on the dangerous journey to safety. Saint Óscar Romero taught us, “When the church hears the cry of the oppressed, it cannot but denounce the social structures that give rise to and perpetuate the misery from which the cry arises.” Inspired by love, we worked together through Immersion Trips sponsored by the U.S. Mission Engagement Apostolate’s (USMEA) Church Engagement Division, as well as ministering in local parishes in and around El Paso, TX to act with compassion toward migrants and to work to transform our relationships with our southern neighbors to enable livable communities to flourish everywhere.

People of faith and goodwill participate in prayer vigils, cultural and community exchanges, working to heal the hearts of the faithful.

TOGETHER in mission 

Students gather with immersion trip participants outside Caminando por la Paz in Guatemala City. This Caminando por la Paz was started by Father Thomas Goekler, M.M. to educate and rehabilitate at-risk youth so they can flourish and become positive contributors to society. (Courtesy of USMEA)

After attending the Guatemala immersion trip in 2019, a Catholic student at Yale University reflected, “God is inviting me to respond by engaging in more social justice activities back home. I think this will impact what job field I choose to go into.”

Maryknoll’s Immersion Trips provide the opportunity for university students, young adults, Catholic school teachers and administrators, catechists, parish priests, deacons and their wives, vocation prospects and donors to expand their horizons. They encounter God in new ways as they listen to stories of challenge and hope told by people from different cultures. They are inspired by the work of Maryknoll missioners and see firsthand the impact of mission in people’s lives. Formation is integrated into the trips so the participants can return home better equipped as missionary disciples. These encounters transform by raising new questions, discerning new life callings, shifting classroom learning to be more loving and culturally inclusive, and informing homilies and leadership decisions.

In 2019, 127 participants immersed themselves on 13 trips. These trips went to Guatemala, El Salvador, Jamaica, Tanzania, Kenya, Cambodia, Taiwan, Mexico and Bolivia. Trips to Appalachia, New York City and the San Francisco Bay Area provided a unique opportunity to look at the U.S. through the lens of the global perspective.

These trips transform the way participants view their all aspects of their lives; and once home, that’s where the real work of solidarity begins. Through ongoing mission formation programs and resources, Maryknoll continues their partnership with the participants, helping them to discern the best ways of integrating God’s voice into their learnings, realizations, and relationships in their daily lives. Now, teachers include stories from Central America as they teach Scripture, parish staff create new service projects that connect them around the world, lawyers take on pro-bono immigration cases, parish priests and deacons incorporate global solidarity into their homilies and much more.

“I didn’t think I was interested in changing much about me, but now I like seeing things with the different perspective this trip has given me. From what I learned, that is a very Guatemalan thing to do. It seems like a small thing, but it makes a difference.”



Father Laurence Murphy, M.M. (Maryknoll Mission Archives)

Laurence Thomas Murphy was born on November 2, 1918. He graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1941, intending to make the Navy his life. After serving in WWII, he received a Presidential Citation and a Purple Heart for serving in the Battle of Savo Island and took part in eighteen separate combat operations, resigning from the Navy in 1947.

He left the Navy with the idea of becoming a priest but knew very little about that actual life. He taught mathematics at Seton Hall University intending to enter the diocesan seminary, but there was uncertainty. On his first, chance visit to Maryknoll, he was so impressed with the spirit of the seminarians he met and their freedom, and so began his career. In 1948, he entered Maryknoll on an accelerated program and was ordained in 1954.

Assigned to Taiwan, he and some classmates were first sent to Yale University for intense study in Mandarin and Korean in programs designed for Air Force intelligence. Although his Mandarin was only fair, in an 1988 interview he recalled getting off the train in New York behind some Chinese people and being delighted that he could understand everything they said.

An abrupt career shift sent him to the Maryknoll college seminary in Glen Ellyn to teach philosophy until 1959. After telling the Superior General that he thought he should go to mission before he got too old, he was assigned to the Philippines, returning to language school there to study Visayan. He stayed in the Philippines for one year but became quite ill and was sent to a hospital in Manilla where he was diagnosed with cancer with six months to live. Upon return to the U.S., his diagnosis was reversed, but he was told he could never be sent to a tropical climate to work again. Fr. Laurence returned to Glen Ellyn to continue teaching there, as well as teaching a religious course at the University of Notre Dame. While there, he earned his Ph.D.

In 1965, Fr. Murphy was assigned to the staff of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops in Washington, DC. This led to a number of appointments, including two positions in the Department of State. During his ten years there, he was able to combine his mission interests with the work by taking groups of diocesan directors and university chaplains to South America on somewhat extended trips.

Fr. Murphy returned to Seton Hall University in 1975 where he taught philosophy for four years prior to becoming President of Seton Hall, a position he held for one year. In 1981, he was assigned to the China Research & Liaison Group at Maryknoll, NY which provided him with the opportunity to meet many of the leaders of the Church and to arrange for some visits of those leaders to Hong Kong and the U.S.

In 1986, Fr. Murphy set up the China House in South Orange, NJ, as a residence for Chinese scholars at Seton Hall University and as an intercultural center, where he served as Director until 1999. Through the years, he worked with the Catholic Churches of China, North and South Korea, and has made about 35 trips through East Asia. He remained involved with the Chinese Catholic Church until 1999 when he retired. In 1993, he was awarded the Benemerenti Medal by Pope John Paul II.

Currently residing in Maryknoll, NY, Fr. Murphy celebrated his 101st birthday in November 2019.



Carol’s grandmother Mildred was the daughter of immigrant parents from Naples, Italy. When Mildred heard about Maryknoll’s beginnings in 1911, she wanted to share from what little she had with others around the world. Mildred began to support the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers on a monthly basis by mailing coins taped to a piece of paper. Carol and her husband Mario have continued this support of the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers. Richard McGee, Maryknoll National Bequest Representative, gave the family an open invitation to visit Maryknoll. During the Autumn of 2017, Carol and Mario drove from Florida to visit the Maryknoll Society center in Ossining, NY. They were both so grateful and happy to have the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful grounds, participate in daily Mass and share meals and stories with the Maryknoll priests and brothers. Mario returned to God last year. Carol has purchased two memorial bricks in memory of Mario and other deceased relatives. These bricks are located in the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers Memorial Garden. We are grateful to Carol for her continued support and for naming Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers in her will.


Shortly after Dwayne and Kelley were married, and by God’s providence, they discovered the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers at their parish through the Maryknoll magazine. After reading various articles in the magazine, they felt called to partner with Maryknoll in mission. Dwayne and Kelley stated, “Our Lord said, ‘whatever you do to the least of your brothers, you do unto me’; and since we were unable to physically be in the various places of need around the world to clothe, feed, educate and help the poor, we felt blessed and honored to support Maryknoll financially.”

Through their years of partnership with Maryknoll, Dwayne and Kelley commented their greatest pleasure is their interaction with the Maryknoll priests, brothers and lay missioners, hearing their wonderful stories of God’s work through mission. This interaction makes the work tangible for them and provides context for how the contributions of those who support Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers are making a difference in the world. Dwayne and Kelley believe we are all called to mission, and they are so thankful for the opportunity Maryknoll provides them to play a small role in serving God, “loving our neighbor through a sustainable, internationally- focused mission that has been bringing the light of Christ to our brothers and sisters in need for over 100 years.”


Jane loves Maryknoll and loves being retired in Florida, where she and her late husband, Peter, moved in 1977. Their friendship with Maryknoll started years before in NY, where Jane and Peter went to high school with Danny Lanza, who became a Maryknoll Missioner. Jane and Peter began supporting Maryknoll to help Danny’s mission work in Guatemala.

Peter’s work moved them often in their 48 years of marriage. In the 1960s, he was assigned to the Ossining area and soon learned that Maryknoll was just up the hill. He wasted no time inquiring there about a job for his bride, where Jane loved working as a secretary until Peter was reassigned once again.

Along with her regular support of Maryknoll, Jane donated some appreciated stock to forward Maryknoll’s mission work, which also avoided capital gains taxes for her. She invested in several annuities, which supports mission and provides her with interest income for life. And through the residual of her annuity gifts, as well as her bequest, Jane can continue helping Maryknoll when her mission on earth has ended.

At 90, Jane loves baking biscotti, which she gives to friends at Christmas, volunteering at the Daily Bread soup kitchen and Knights of Columbus ladies auxiliary, enjoys weekly Bingo at the American Legion and attends Mass at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church.


Especially as we did during the Extraordinary Month of Mission, October 2019, the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers thank God for our “Friends of Mission”, whose prayers and support send Maryknoll out into the world to offer the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Your part in our shared vocation of our Church’s Mission has everlasting rewards for humanity as a whole, and for individuals who experience God’s love. We pray that you also enjoy these personal rewards both now and forever.


With your faith-filled support of our Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers
through a charitable gift, such as a Bequest or Gift Annuity, you have
enabled us to plan for our future, continuing in mission and sharing the
Good News, the Gospel and Jesus Christ’s love by giving new life to communities
all over the globe. We also hope to continue to strengthen the
baptismal missionary vocations of Catholics here in the United States.

In gratitude for your active love of mission, we respectfully enroll you in
our Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers Legacy Society. As a Legacy Society
member, you and your family will be included in a prayerful remembrance
at the Maryknoll Legacy Society Mass, which is held annually on November
1, All Saints’ Day. We also promise a weekly remembrance at Mass
every Friday at our Society Center in Maryknoll, NY, as well as in the
prayers and Masses of our Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers around the
world. A subscription to our Stewardship Newsletter is included as well.


Estate of Stella Chervenak
Estate of Wilfred Cook
Estate of Helen Devlin
Estate of Franics & Marie Dykeman
Estate of Victor Keppers
Estate of Patricia McBride
Estate of Alfred Meyer
Estate of Nelly Nigro
Estate of Osborn Pinney
Estate of John Royse


Contributions received by the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers support the global missionary ministries of Maryknoll priests and Maryknoll brothers, as well as the formation and education of Maryknoll priesthood and brotherhood candidates whom God is calling to serve in mission. The Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers serve in more than 20 countries. This includes mission education outreach in the United States. The Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers also generously support many senior Maryknoll priests and Maryknoll brothers who continue their lives of ministry through prayer and witness.


Statement of Activities and Changes in Net Assets
For the year ended December 31, 2019





Catholic Foreign Mission Society of America, Inc.
Maryknoll, New York 10545
Fr. Raymond J. Finch, M.M., President
Fr. Joseph M. Everson III, M.M., Vice President
Fr. Thomas J. O’Brien, M.M., Secretary
Fr. Russell J. Feldmeier, M.M., Director
Fr. David A. Smith, M.M., CFO & Canonical Treasurer
Ms. Susan J. Dahl, Director


Mr. Walter J. Cook, CPA
Mr. John P. Fragale, CPA
Mr. Thomas R. Langan, Esq., CPA
Fr. Thomas J. O’Brien, M.M.

Mr. Robert W. Ambrose

FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Fr. Thomas O’Brien (Assistant General) , Fr. Raymond Finch (Superior General), Fr. Joseph Everson III (Vicar General) and Fr. Russell Feldmeier (Assistant General) (V. Concha-Nuñez/U.S.)

“Maryknoll reaches out to the hungry. We serve those who have been shunned or hurt. We share the Gospel with anyone willing to listen, or permitted to listen. With your prayers and with your gifts to Maryknoll, we continue to impact communities and people around the world.”

— Fr. Raymond J. Finch, M.M. | Superior General


Church Engagement Division
Office: 925.474.2786.
Mobile: 510.432.6843


Eastern Region

Deacon Paul Bork, Director
716.796.8919 • pbork@maryknoll.org

716.694.5342 • pbork@maryknoll.org

Fr. Gerald Kelly, M.M., Mission Promoter
713.529.1912 • mklhouston@maryknoll.org

Mr. Ken Eppes, Mission Promoter
Mobile: 214.686.4454 • keppes@maryknoll.org

Mr. Matthew Rousso, Mission Promoter
504.866.8516 • mrousso@maryknoll.org

Ms. Yvonne Dilling, Mission Promoter
210.731.3122 • ydilling@maryknoll.org

Western Region

Fr. Stephen Judd, M.M., Director | 650.386.4342 • losaltos@maryknoll.org

Ms. Kris East, Administrative Assistant
925.474.2786 • sanfrancisco@maryknoll.org

Deacon Leonel Yoque, Mission Promoter
213.747.9676 • losangeles@maryknoll.org

Ms. Annapatrice Johnson, Director
206.322.8831 • seattle@maryknoll.org

Mr. Jorge Rivera, Mission Promoter
773.493.3367 • chicago@maryknoll.org



Vocations/Short-Term Mission

914.941.7590 • msnyder@maryknoll.org

Gift Planning

Fr. Dr. Peter Le Jacq, M.M.
888.627.9566 • plejacq@maryknoll.org

Ms. Cynthia Lynch, Assistant Manager, Gift Planning
914.941.7590 • clynch@maryknoll.org

Ms. Melissa Kellogg (Atlantic, Western, NE Regions; Asia)
904.229.7735 • mkellogg@maryknoll.org

Mr. Bill Jones (Gulf Coast, NE Regions)
713.818.3074 • bjones@maryknoll.org

Mr. Jay Weingarten (Midwest Region)
312.505.7861 • jweingarten@maryknoll.org

Ms. Marie Wren (Western Region)
510.326.0298 • mwren@maryknoll.org

Ms. Renee Pada (Western Region)
213.200.4926 • rpada@maryknoll.org

Mr. Richard McGee, National Bequest Representative
646.734.7123 • rmcgee@maryknoll.org


General Inquiries

888.627.9566 • mkweb@maryknoll.org

“I would like to appeal to all… to help with efforts in order to ensure the
adequate legal protection of our common home.” — Pope Francis

At Maryknoll, we have long been focused on acting as instruments of vangelization by demonstrating respect for human life and dignity, promoting the common good and the virtue of solidarity with the poor and oppressed, and caring for the special concerns of the poorest members of the human community, as poverty and environmental degradation often go hand in hand.

Maryknoll’s Eco-Mission Team brings together existing initiatives, future plans and a communications component that conveys the Society’s environmental efforts to key audiences: benefactors, mission partners, the Catholic Church in the U.S. and others.

Our Goals include:

• Minimizing our organization’s impact and maximizing
future generations’ ability to live, work and play in
our shared natural environment;
• Ensuring equal access to clean air, clean water and
natural resources;
• Striving to minimize pollution and waste, conserve
energy and water, protect habitat, support renewable
energy resources, buy environmentally-friendly products
and encourage environmentally preferable transportation;

• Extending, to the degree possible, our efforts with
contractor and supplier relationships. We will encourage
vendors and service providers acting on behalf of
the Maryknoll Society to meet our standards of environmental
• Providing ongoing education and awareness.



Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers has demonstrated outstanding commitment to many areas of sustainability and was
honored at the 2019 Green Business Partnership Award Ceremony with the award for outstanding achievements related
to the conservation and treatment of water as the precious resource it is.


We are a Catholic Society of priests and brothers based in the United States. We are dedicated to missionary work overseas in over 20 countries. Additionally, we animate Catholics in the United States to follow their own baptismal call to share God’s compassion and love with the poor, the sick, and all those in need.


L-R Tom O'Brien, Ray Finch, Joe Everson, Russ Feldmeier

(Fr. Lance P. Nadeau, Fr. James M. Lynch, Fr. Timothy O. Kilkelly, Fr. Juan Montes Zúñiga)

The Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers is overseen by our General Council, led by Superior General Rev. Lance P. Nadeau, M.M.


L-R Tom O'Brien, Ray Finch, Joe Everson, Russ Feldmeier

(Our Co-Founders Father Price and Father Walsh)





(Africa) Education and Formation of African Clergy

The Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers Africa Region will provide tuition assistance to African clergy, male and female religious at institutes of higher education or specialized training. Read More

Stories of Our Global Mission

The calling of a lifetime

The life of a Maryknoll missioner is challenging, fulfilling, and deeply rewarding. Follow your baptismal call to mission by sharing God’s compassion with the poor, the sick, and people most in need.

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