Finding God
What if God was beyond my constrained Imagination
Not limited by lofty words of mindful expression
Nor kept in a guarded box of theological debate
But free to roam amongst the slightest doubts and strongest fears
That come from the hearts and minds of all
Across the expanse of a multitiered Multiverse
What if God whispered to children and prophets alike
And found expression in the butterfly as well as the pen
Would not the butterfly express the divine best
By Dancing about in its three-dimensional and holy form
Far clearer than a pen which can only illuminate
A dimension or two at best before stopping where the paper ends
What if God was found in that pen as well
Enlightening far more than acid-free paper with lead
But supple minds that can transcend our three-dimensional prison
Into the far-off limits of our cosmic creation
What if God was found beyond our limitations
Hiding not only in the fields of what is known
But in the trenches of guesses and shadows
Of what we think we comprehend
Is God then to be found in our rigid ideologies
Surrounded by deep moats and mossy walls of unyielding belief
That keep God tame to our mind’s imagination
And protects our Orthodoxy from severance or breach
Perhaps God is Only found beyond my rocky walls and muddy moats
Out in the vast and forbidden fields of the Unknown
Where pilgrims stop for fear of life and death
And the sea monsters and dragons of our past still roam
+Jonathan Hill, M.M.