Director’s Greetings: Christmas 2024

Voices of Our World

Over this past year, as before, the vocations office has accompanied many young men in discernment. We are blessed, through them, to discover that God continues to call the young of our world to be missionary priests and Brothers. Missionaries are sent forth to give witness to the greatest story ever told; Jesus’ story always inspires awe and wonder! Preaching Jesus is not only a matter of sharing a story but encountering a person. The Gospel reaches through the Word to impart divine grace in our lives. Invite God to shed light on your vocation journey this Christmas! Suddenly your vocation is no longer a mystery.

Looking back over this year, we in the Maryknoll vocation team are thankful to have been invited into the lives of so many young people in seeking together God’s will. What do we really want to see in discernment? A grateful heart! We want to see clarity, a direction, an orientation that leads us to make decisions and, without fear, press the YES buzzer to respond generously to God’s call.

It’s normal though, during discernment, to experience interior conflicts, inner resistances. We all go through them. It’s important to remember, however, that nothing is impossible for God (Luke 1:37). Everything will fall into place, in due time. Make it a habit every Christmas to place all interior conflicts and resistances in the manger – give them to Jesus. You can be sure that He will continue to point you in the right direction. One of our great Maryknoll missioners, Bishop James E. Walsh wrote, “To every passing trouble we must remember that it is not trouble and have the conviction that it is passing.”

Speaking about celibacy, many discerners ask me how I manage sexual attraction after ordination and final oath. My answer is that sexual attraction does not stop with ordination or final oath. Celibacy results from ongoing healthy relationships. As missionaries we need to find healthy ways to navigate moments when sexual attraction challenges our celibacy. Our personal prayer makes all the difference!

Next year we celebrate a jubilee year! Beginning this Advent and through the liturgical year, Catholics throughout the world are encouraged to focus on forgiveness and reconciliation. Pope Francis offers the theme “Pilgrims of Hope” to give witness to Christian hope in the face of war, climate crisis, and the ongoing impact of COVID-19. To upload the prayer for this pilgrimage please go to

Don’t forget that Maryknoll serves in Latin America, Asia and Africa; we teach in schools, we do campus ministry, we serve the homeless and the sick. There are numerous possibilities for you to share your gifts with us in overseas mission. You can do it in vocation ministry, retreat ministry, migrant ministry, in our leadership, in formation or mission promotion. Yes, we welcome all your gifts! We are a community rooted in Jesus Christ. When you join us we will make sure you are rooted in Christ, ready to be his witness wherever you are called. And we will teach you to do mission with love as our founders, Bishop James A. Walsh and Fr. Thomas Frederick Price did.

I pray this Christmas that the gift of Jesus finds expression in all our ways of living; let us create openings where there are walls.

Spring 2025

On December 24th, 2024, Pope Francis opened the Holy Doors of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome, officially inaugurating the Church’s Jubilee Year of Hope. Hope is the ground of discernment for any vocation or path in life. Maryknoll Father Rodrigo encourages all discerners, in the spirit of our Jubilee Year, to take hold of hope, embrace it and allow it to draw you forward, even when uncertain, into a life of purpose and joy…

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We are a Catholic Society of priests and brothers based in the United States. We are dedicated to missionary work overseas in over 20 countries. Additionally, we animate Catholics in the United States to follow their own baptismal call to share God’s compassion and love with the poor, the sick, and all those in need.


L-R Tom O'Brien, Ray Finch, Joe Everson, Russ Feldmeier

(Fr. Lance P. Nadeau, Fr. James M. Lynch, Fr. Timothy O. Kilkelly, Fr. Juan Montes Zúñiga)

The Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers is overseen by our General Council, led by Superior General Rev. Lance P. Nadeau, M.M.


L-R Tom O'Brien, Ray Finch, Joe Everson, Russ Feldmeier

(Our Co-Founders Father Price and Father Walsh)





(Africa) Education and Formation of African Clergy

The Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers Africa Region will provide tuition assistance to African clergy, male and female religious at institutes of higher education or specialized training. Read More

Stories of Our Global Mission

The calling of a lifetime

The life of a Maryknoll missioner is challenging, fulfilling, and deeply rewarding. Follow your baptismal call to mission by sharing God’s compassion with the poor, the sick, and people most in need.

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