This year’s motto for the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers unites Pope Francis’ call for a Jubilee Year of Mercy with Maryknoll’s 105 years of mission work around the world.
During the Jubilee Year of Mercy, all Catholics, as “missionary disciples,” are to proclaim God’s love and mercy to their neighbors and those most in need.
The Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers are celebrating the Jubilee Year of Mercy via online articles and social content, launching of new titles from Orbis Books, and with prayer and mission programs around the world.

From Dec. 8, 2015 (the 50th anniversary of the closing of the Second Vatican Council) through Nov. 20, 2016 (the end of the liturgical year and Feast of Christ the King), the Catholic Church around the world will celebrate a Jubilee Year of Mercy.
Have a Story of Mercy?
We invite you to send us a personal “mercy moment” that you have witnessed—acts of mercy that you have offered to others, or moments when someone has provided you with an act of kindness.
We’ll review and share many of these mercy moments on this page and via our social profiles, plus a selection will be displayed in the Maryknoll Museum of Living Mission at our Mission Center in New York.
Mercy Moments Featured from Prior Months
April 2016
The more Love and Mercy that I try to share with others… …the more I get back (without asking). A Life of/in Service to others is indeed a wonderful Journey!
I will appreciate every day as a Gift – and another opportunity to be of service to the poor and marginalized in most need.
In this Year of Mercy, this month I am reflecting on how I need to re-start past volunteer work in a local Hospice for those in most need of Love and Compassion at this stage of their Life Journey.
Dear Lord and Our Lady of Maryknoll, Thank you for Your unconditional, everlasting Mercy – never giving up on us, regardless of when we, like the Prodigal Son, wander away at times.
March 2016
Dear Jesus, I trust in your everlasting, boundless, unconditional Love and Mercy – no matter what we may do to offend you and others. Thank you for the gift of Yourself to us on our Life Journeys
Pray for those who are in need of mercy and who are suffering from poverty, wars and violence.
Jesus Christ king of mercy I trust in you have mercy on me to take up your cross amen.
January 2016
I was absolved in Confession by a wonderful Vietnamese priest of having driven a friend decades ago when I was away from The Church to get an abortion
I was involved in a rollover car accident in Quiche Guatemala and taken to a rural public hospital. I was beat up, stitched up and extremely vulnerable; unable to even sit up on on my own. A Guatemalan woman came to my aid, helping me to get dressed and offering me the only chair available. Her kindness could never be repaid, my life would never be the same, I was on the receiving end of Mercy. – S O MK Affiliate
December 2015
Our church donated winter jackets to homeless shelters. We are grateful to the many generous folks who made this possible.
The Eastbay Maryknoll Affiliates are teaming up with the local Buddhist community for a food drive this Thanksgiving. The experience of working together in compassion has truly been an experience of true mercy.
I experienced mercy in my small Christian community not only in breaking open the word but more so when others really listen to my story.
My congregation arranged supplies to help children from poor families attend school in East Timor.
I volunteered in my local homeless shelter for a week.