Missions of Mercy Go On
The earthquakes of 2015 killed over 9,000 Nepalese and much of its housing, roads, and schools were destroyed.
Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers responded immediately with tons of emergency aid—thanks to the generosity of many donors.
Father Joseph Thaler led missions of mercy throughout the central district of Nepal, and now spearheads the rebuilding progress:
• Hundreds of new homes built
• Six new schools opened
• Construction sites piled high with bricks, piping, roofing, bathroom fixtures, windows and doors

Our mission brings HOPE to the people of Nepal
Today, hope is alive and well in Nepal. These are just some of the stories that will give you hope, too…
Rebuilding Homes
People were deeply traumatized by the quakes and many suffered physical injuries—Maryknoll’s immediate concern was for the disabled, the elderly, pregnant women, and orphans.
We continue to serve in several of the hardest-hit areas where villagers still line up for care.

Children Back in School
Within a few weeks, Father Joseph and his team opened temporary classrooms in buildings that were still standing and considered safe. Since then, six earthquake-resistant schools have opened, complete with blackboards, desks, books, and bathroom facilities.
The children are thrilled to be back!

A Prayer for Nepal
God of mercy, we ask you
to continue to bless the people of Nepal
with Your presence and protection
as they continue to struggle
to recover from the devastating earthquakes.
Send them help in the form of
volunteers willing to stand by them
and work with them in their hour of deepest need.
Shower them with all the spiritual
and material blessings they require
to recover and to heal while knowing
You are always there with them.
O Lord of heaven and earth
multiply our gifts that the good people of Nepal
may find hope and joy as they rebuild their homes,
their neighborhoods, and their lives.
~ Father Joseph R. Veneroso, M.M.
Your gift will touch hearts, and support our missions of MERCY in Nepal
Help us change the world with your gift for Maryknoll missions in Nepal and more than 20 countries around the world.
Together we can further the recovery for the children and families of Nepal—and aid many more throughout the world who live in poverty. The Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers witness the Gospel in more than 20 countries around the world, caring for the poor and marginalized.
Thank you from our Fathers and Brothers around the world.