Maryknoll Missioners Never Retire…
But, They do Get Older and Deserve Special Care
What are We Doing to Prepare to Welcome Them Home?
For over a year, we’ve been involved in a major renovation of our historic Seminary Building in New York that will accommodate the many needs of our elder missioners—some returning to the same place where they began religious life in service to the Gospel many years ago.

Accommodations will be simple but dignified, and will include:
- A wheel-chair-accessible chapel where Mass will be celebrated each day, and where missioners can pray whenever they wish
- Medical and nursing team on-site 24/7
- Private rooms with bath
- An elevator wide enough for wheel chairs and gurneys
- Two dining facilities
- A library
- An exercise room
Mailing a Donation or Letter
Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers
P.O. Box 302
Maryknoll, NY 10545-0302
Tel: 1-888-627-9566
8:30 AM to 4 PM Eastern Time