Bringing Healing and Hope to God’s Creation
The Lord God took the man and placed him in the Garden of Eden so that he might work it and care for it. Genesis 2:15
As children of God, we are called to cherish, revere and renew the earth. Because when you think about it, care of creation is really care of everything: The world around us and our brothers and sisters, bodies and souls.
God has called us all to be good stewards of all His creation. Right now, Maryknoll missioners are actively working in Africa, Asia and Latin America to mend a world that is, in the words of Pope Francis, “entrusted by God to human care.”
Fr. John Waldrep, M.M.
Replenishing the Good Earth in Kibwezi, Kenya
A generation ago, Kibwezi in southeastern Kenya was envisioned as a region for Kenyans to settle, raising crops, livestock and children. That dream crumbled as persistent droughts brought devastating changes.
Father John Waldrep, M.M. in partnership with the people of St. John the Baptist Parish, has been helping residents with food assistance, livestock breeding, well drilling and water retention efforts.
Currently, Fr. John is working to bring sustainable Moringa Oleifera and Mukau trees to the semi-arid region. These trees are known for thriving in drylands, and providing thick shade that protects crops from the sun, prevents the soil from becoming parched, and serves as a protective barrier during wind storms.

All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. – John 1-3

For in him were created all things in heaven and on earth, whether visible or invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or powers — all things were created through him and for him. – Colossians 1:16
Fr. Joyalito Tajonera, M.M.
Providing Hope to Migrants in Taiwan
Father Joyalito Tajonera,M.M., who serves as Maryknoll’s superior for the Asia region, is known by immigrants as “Father Joy.” He runs the Ugnayan Center in Taiwan, a shelter that provides comfort and safety for hundreds of migrants who are job hunting, looking for housing or recuperating from an illness.
His response to migrants in need is very practical.Many times at midnight there will be migrants seeking shelter, and Father Joy never asks them where they’re from or what religion they profess. He simply asks, ‘Have you eaten?’
Father Tajonera has been identifying and remedying ecological abuses as well as migrant issues such as forced labor and debt bondage. Father Tajonera often helps improve relations between employers and workers though engaged dialog.
Brother Loren Beaudry, M.M.
Protecting Children in Tanzania
In Mabatini’s Transfiguration Parish in Tanzania, good jobs are hard to come by, so many of our parishioners do what they can to make ends meet. Because of poverty, alcoholism is a problem that can lead to violence; often children become victims.
Maryknoll Brother Loren Beaudry recently expanded a school-based learning disabilities program . It now include the protection of children from physical abuse. This year alone he and his team have reached about 30 schools with a message of help and hope.

Behold, children are a gift from the Lord, a reward of the fruit of the womb. – Psalm 127:3
God our Father, we come to you, kneeling at your feet, begging you to give us rain.
Your Son, Jesus Christ, tells us: Ask and you shall receive; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you.
Now we are asking, we are seeking, we are knocking that you give us a big rain that we may get food in abundance, that there be water and grass for our cattle, that the year be one of peace and that the danger of famine be averted.
Father, give it to us, help us. You know well that we must have rain. Give it to us! We promise you that we shall try to be good Christians, repent our sins, confess them and give them up, receive the sacraments and obey your commandments.
God, our Father, help us. Amen.
— Sukuma prayer translated
by Father Richard A. Hochwalt, M.M., Shinyanga, Tanzania.
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Tel: 1-888-627-9566
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