Each year Maryknoll missioners receive or renew assignments that reflect the compassion of Our Lord through good works and prayer. We thank God for them—and for you.

A sending is sacred
We are all missioners, Pope Francis reminds us, baptized and sent by God to proclaim salvation in Christ.
The missioners we celebrate today are the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers who have accepted their assignments for the coming year and beyond—sent to be the compassionate messengers of God’s love especially among those in greatest need.
Right now, thanks to your prayers and support, Maryknoll missioners, including our two newly ordained priests, Fr. Joshua Maondo, M.M. and Fr. Charles Ogony, M.M., are serving in more than 15 countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Their missions help educate children, serve the sick, and rebuild communities dealing with civil unrest and the impact of climate change.
At the same time, they are offering Mass and the sacraments in growing parishes, and training lay leaders to preach and teach.
Prayer is mission, too
We welcome a new class of Maryknoll missioners who have completed their overseas assignments and are now in fulltime prayer ministry. Have a Special Intention you would like a Father or Brother to remember? Let us know and he will pray for you.
How you can be part of our Mission Sending tradition
Your gift to Maryknoll will make sure that our mission work continues, especially among the poor and those who ask for help in having their voices heard.
Your gift will also mean our missioners can offer Mass and the sacraments to communities that want to live their faith with us.
Thank you—and God bless you—for giving.
Become our partner in prayer

We will pray for your Special Intentions
Please complete the form below and our Fathers and Brothers will remember you at Mass and when we pray the Rosary.
To the Maryknoll Family
Please pray for these my Special Intentions:
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Help us witness the compassion of Our Lord by example so the Catholic Church will always be a beacon of hope for the poor.
How to witness your own mission spirit
You were called to mission through baptism. Here are some ways you can witness your faith.
- Support Maryknoll in our education and advocacy work throughout the world.
- Become a vocal supporter of mission and social justice in your parish and community.
- Speak out for education as a key tool to ending global poverty.